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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Page 16

  In the following days it began to pay attention each time that were mentioned the name of Margo and des­cubrió that during years was had seated dice by that Travis would marry with her. During the absence of Travis and of Wes, Margo handled the enormous plantation in addition to the own one.

  With each word that oía, Regan had less and less confidence in itself. Perhaps it had frustrated that marriage when running into with Travis that night in puer­to? For which Travis had married with her, if not because it waited for his baby? When it tried to raise those doubts to Travis, he it only laughed. Too much it was occupied with siem­bra of spring to be able to speak much and, when they que­daban solo, the hands of him on its body him they made forget everything.

  One week after the visit of Margo, Regan was in the runner of the wing this, detesting the idea going to the kitchen. It was hour to examine the menu of the following week... and to confront to Malvina, cook. The woman had experienced an instantaneous antipathy towards Regan, and all along mascullaba by low it. One of the servants mentioned that Malvina she was empa­rentada with the Jenkins family and, of course, it had pen­sado, like all the others, that Travis would marry with Margo. Finally, Regan was armed of anger and diri­gió to the kitchen.

  -- Now I do not have time to do nothing else -- Malvina said before Regan could speak --. It finishes arriving a shipment from men and I must give them to eat.

  Regan refused to be frightened.

  --Me it seems perfect. I will only take a cup from tea and in another moment we can see the menu.

  -- Nobody has time to prepare tea -- it talked back cook, with a glance of its three warning to jóve­nes assistants.

  Regan straightened shoulders and it went to oloro­sa and smoky fused iron stove that was against a wall.

  -- I can do it i myself -- it said, with which espe­raba it was a scorn tone disguising that did not have idea of how it was prepared a tea cup.

  One became hardly to watch at the cook with hatred and with a disdainful smile in the lips, it raised tete­ra. The smile it toned down right away; Regan shouted, dropped the hot teapot and had to back down of a jump not to sprinkle itself with the boiling water. Behind her the malicious laughter of the cook was heard, and the only who could do Regan was to contemplate with impotence its burned hand.

  -- Tome -- one of the servants with amiability said while it applied mantequilla fresh to the hand of Regan --. Déjese this position and goes a to seat. I him lle­varé its tea.

  It said the last phrase with a whisper, indicating to cook.

  In silence and with the head gacha, Regan left it cooks, with the fingers extended and mantequilla derri­tiendo itself on its heat trembling. He wanted to go directly to his dormitory, but a young person informed to him that somebody waited for it in the room. Regan was being asked how it could escape when Margo appeared in the radiating stairs, with a flat dress of blue.

  -- What you have become, small? -- it asked, bajan­do stairs quickly --. Charles, brings bandage to the room, and that Malvina sends tea to us. With sherry! And dile that I want a little its pie of fruits.

  -- Yes, lady -- the young person responded, and she moved away of pri­sa. Margo took to Regan by the wrist and it helped to raise it the stairs.

  -- What you did as much for quemarte?

  With the pride so hurt as the hand, Regan it cheered to have the compassion of Margo.

  -- Levante' the hot teapot -- it responded, avergon­zada. Without perturbing, Margo lead it to a sofa. At a moment she appeared a servant that Regan was safe of never to have seen, with clean bandage and cloth.

  -- and where have been you, Sally? Mar­go asked to him with severity --. Always treating about salvarte of tra­bajo?

  --No, lady. All the mornings I help the master, is not certain, lady? -- it said, watching at Regan with impudence.

  Regan did not respond. It had known too much people in the last weeks. Margo took Wendish them.

  —¡Salt of here, embustera! And they ten care, or I will do that Travis transfers your contract to me.

  With a terror expression, the servant left.

  Margo seated in the sofa, next to Regan.

  -- Now déjame to see your hand. You have really burned yourself much. You had to maintain to the enough teapot tiem­po. I hope that you speak with Travis on the crew members. It lets to them do what they want, and for that reason owners of this house create. It has been why for as much Tra­vis time it thought to marry. A strong woman needs who pudie­ra to take care of so great establishment.

  While it spoke, it bandaged the hand tenderly of Regan. When it finished, it returned Charles with an enormous tray: an exquisite one service of Georgian tea, a lico­rera of crystal with sherry and two glasses, and one amazing varie­dad of emparedados sandwiches and.

  -- Malvina did not take pains much -- Margo observed examining the tray with disdain --. Perhaps no longer it considers a visit me. Dile -- a ordered Charles -- that I will happen to speak with her before leaving.

  -- Yes, lady -- reveren­cia responded Charles with one and it left the room.

  -- However -- Margo with a smile continued --, I I will serve, because you will not be able to do it with that hand.

  With the greater facility, Margo served the tea, added to him a good sherry measurement and chose a sandwich for Regan.

  In reality, I have come to excuse to me -- it said, to the time that sherry used and did to a side tea --. I do not imagine what you will have thought of my unforgivable gro­sería the last week. She was too ashamed in order to return and pedirte that you received to me after the happened thing.

  To Regan it pleased the humility to him of that imposing one woman.

  --Yo... You must have come -- it responded. Margo separated the Vista and continued.

  -- very united Vera's, Travis and I am been des­de children, and all gave by seated that someday casa­ríamos us. For that reason me I surprised much when it presented/displayed to you like its wife. -- Miro' at Regan with eyes smooth and suplicantes.-- you understand It, right?

  -- Of course -- Regan murmured.

  ¡How much they looked like Margo and Travis, both so segu­ros of themselves! They were the sovereigns of the world.

  --Mi father it died two anuses ago -- it continued Mar­go, with as much pain in the voice that Regan took pity of her --. Since then, I direct single my plantation. Clear that she is much more small that this one, but already it is enough.

  Regan thought, consternada, that it had before himself to one woman able to direct all a plantation, whereas she not even knew to prepare a tea cup. At least there was a thing that yes knew to do well. Smiling, it lowered the head and it said:

  -- Travis hopes that our children help it with plantation. Clear that still lack long time for that, but this one already has good beginning.

  When noticing that Margo did not respond, Regan raised Vista and saw fire in its eyes.

  —¡So that it is why Travis married con­tigo! -- it exclaimed, with a voice that came from the plus pro­fundo of its being.

  Regan watched it, overwhelmed.

  —¡Perdóname again! -- Margo requested, to the time that it supported a hand in the wrist of Regan --. It seems that never I say the correct thing. It is only that intrigued to me

  reason, since we were practically compro­metidos. Clear that Travis is so honest that will have been sen­tido forced to marry with woman who waited for her son. You know? -- it added, laughing --, I do not know how not me ocu­rrió. Perhaps if... good, if to me it had been embara­zada, one would have married with me... ¡Oh, skies! Again I have done it. Of no way I wanted to insinuate that estu­vieras pregnant before marrying you with Travis. Of course that no.

  It was put of foot and Regan did the own thing.

  -- Now I must go to me -- Margo --. said It seems that today I do not say nothing correctly. -- Palmeo' flowed it of Regan. -- I am sure that Travis it enamored with you and for that reason it chose to you. We are not in the Average Age. The men
they marry according to election and not because the women are left encin­tas. Clear that Travis it always said that it wanted to have children, but not to support to an authoritarian wife. Although you, my young candy, never could be authoritarian. Now yes I must to march to me. I hope that we are very good friends. Perhaps ayudarte a can to know the tastes Travis. Not olvi­des that we know ourselves from always.

  It kissed the air next to the cheek of Regan and gave average return.

  -- Ordenare' that retires the tray -- it said, with one smile --, thus your sweet small head will not have preocupar­se for that reason. It sees a to rest and takes care of that baby who Travis wishes so much.

  It left the room and Regan collapsed on one chair, feeling as if tormen­ta finished leaving one. They passed several minutes until it began to think about the words of Margo. Election? Travis it had not ele­gido it: it had run into with him. It would have released it with taste, but she refused to give the name him of her uncle. ¡Honor! The honor of Travis had prevented to leave it him in the street and, later, that same honor it had taken to marry with her. What had said in the wedding? One married with the mother of its children.

  Perhaps it had forced it? It was obvious that that matri­monio it did not have anything to do with the love. How it could

  a man like Travis to love one chiquilla that nor siquie­ra knew to prepare a tea cup without burning itself?

  They spent the days and Regan was late more and more with its tasks. The crew members seemed to amuse themselves daily cam­biando of turns. When Regan spoke to them, they responded with insolencia, and arrived a little while in which she as soon as it left room.

  Travis arrived at house, it raised in its arms and him to it it tickled until the sadness left his ros­tro. Always him it asked what it happened to him. It invited it to walk by the plantation and the girl it went, shamed by much that needed its protection. Never it could to admit the single thing that one felt in that country.

  Travis never complained about its lack of authority, and nobody dared to being insolent with him, but it noticed that some atheists of plantation was not supervisa­das well. A day, Regan heard it shout to laborers of gran­ja, asking to them why they were so slow with his tra­bajo.

  Margo visited it twice, and every time spoke with Regan with amiability, but soon attacked the personnel on watch by his negligence. When one left, Regan felt exhausted and more useless than never.

  It did not speak with Travis about its problems with personnel nor of much who cried during the day. Late, while Regan it was in the library treating to concentrate itself in a book, entered Travis.

  —¡Ah, you are here! -- it exclaimed, smiling --. I thought that you had disappeared.

  -- Sucede something?

  On the clothes it wore a raincoat like those of sailors of the boat.

  --Se approaches a storm. A ray has demolished part of close, and one hundred horses have escaped about.

  -- Ira's to look for them?

  -- Yes, as soon as Margo arrives.

  -- Margo? -- Cerro' the book.-- What has to do she with the horses?

  Travis laughed when seeing the expression of Regan.

  -- Some belong to him. In addition, it rides more express than the majority ele the men of the county. The fact is, my small wife, who I need.

  Regan was put of foot and it watched it.

  -- But what I can do?

  Travis watched it with indulgence and it kissed it on the nose.

  In first place, not to worry your beautiful small head; secondly, to take care of my boy; and finally, but this is the plus important, to entibiar my bed.

  Said this, one left.

  For a moment, Regan remained where it was. Its first one impulse was to cry, but she was fed up to do it. A was not arranged to remain seated, single, and to take care of the son of Travis. The life had to be something more than the single fact to live by few solo moments with a man to that to only it mattered him what it took in her belly.

  When Travis really wanted something, it looked for woman to whom always had resorted: Margo. She, with its pride and his arrogance; with its security of being able to make any thing in the world.

  Without thinking it more, one went to the dormitory and it began a to make the luggage. The idea to do something, any thing, made hurry it. In the dressing table there was a case with a bracelet of sapphires and a pair of diamond slopes. They had belonged to the mother of Travis, and he it had flattered to Regan. It vacillated only a little while and soon it kept them also in the suitcase.

  A heavy layer was put, went to the door, cer­cioró of which nobody saw it and was directed to the stairs. Before lowering, it stopped to contemplate what sometimes outside his. ¡No! It had never been his. With renewed decision, it returned running to the library and it wrote of pri­sa one notices for Travis, in which it said to him that it left and that he it was in freedom to have the woman who ama­ba. Soon it opened a drawer and it drained in its pocket the conte­nido one of a box of currencies.

  It was easy to leave the house without being Vista. crew members were occupied assuring the windows and the doors in

  preparation for the storm that was smelled in the air like wet wool. The house gave the river, but behind her there was a footpath non-uniform that, according to Travis, was cami­no. Most of the virginianos it transferred by water, and Regan decided to take the footpath to avoid that you would descu­brieran it.

  It walked during one hour. The air was in favor heavy of storm and, finally, began to rain. The footpath was covered with a mud that one adhered to the shoes and dificulta­ba much the march.

  -- Quiere that it takes it, youngster? -- somebody asked. Regan became and found a cart lead by a old one.

  --No is much protection of rain, but it is better that to walk -- the man insisted.

  Regan tended the hand to him, thanked for, and it helped a it to raise.

  Margo entered the house like a hurricane, with the clothes soaked and the hair turned a desali­ñada maze. ¡Damn Travis!, it thought. ¡It commands to me to look for as if I was a laborer to help it with horses, mien­tras that useless one of its wife remains in house! It did not spend a day without that horrible morning remembered in which it had been solo with him.

  The previous day, had been going to greet it to its return of England, hoping that it took it bed to his, as usual, but in change had presented/displayed to him to that faded niñita like its wife. To the morning siguien­te Margo faced and demanded to know what to demons cre­ía to him he who it was doing. Travis did not say much until it began to enumerate defects of Regan... all which one had found out in detail by Malvina, his


  Travis raised the hand to strike it but con­tuvo on time. With a voice that never had been heard to him, it said to him that Regan was worth two times more than she and than it did not matter to him that her wife could not dominate to ejérci­to of crew members. It also said that if Margo wanted to be bien­venida to that house would have to request excuses to Regan.

  Margo had lardado Lina week in swallowing his orgu­llo and that idiot girl will go. And what had encon­trado? To Regan crying, incapable to take care of its fingers at least burned. But it had found out at least for which Travis had married with her. Now mud was clear. The character submissive of Regan, combined with the agresivi­dad of Travis, they had obtained to him what it wished: a son. Now mud which had to make Margo was to demos­trar to Travis that its life was wasting and his dine­ro with that chiquilla useless.

  With the same fury that it had had in the last ones weeks, Margo raised the stairs. Travis had requested to him that, way to its house, it happened to see his precious woman so, because it would have to spend that night, and time the day siguien­te, in house of Clay. A ray had fallen on the farm of Clay and needed aid to reconstruct it. Margo had desire to slap a Travis when seeing its expression. ¡As if outside a tragedy to spend two nights far of that small one! It took breath to calm, it opened the door of dor­mitorio
and it was surprised when empty finding it... and disordered. While it observed open drawers and the espar­cida clothes on the bed, knew that it was too much to hope that a thief had entered the house and had taken to the princesita. It snatched a dress of flat of a beautiful color of mature peach and it invaded it it envies it. In all its dresses, if one watched them with attention, there were parts gas­tadas.

  It threw the dress on the bed and went to cross house that as much knew, opening the doors with fury and thinking that everything that must have been his. In the library, it found a single candle ignited next to one sen­cilla note, on the writing-desk of Travis. It disgusted to him the letter, with his "aes" and "oes" opened.

  Nevertheless, when reading it, everything began to clarify itself. ¡Of way that intrusa had left Travis so that tuvie­ra to the "woman that it loved "! Perhaps the moment had arrived for doing something with respect to infantile engrei­miento of Travis with that kid.

  It kept the note from Regan in the pocket and wrote another one.

  Dear Travis:

  Regan and I have decided to know us better, of way that we go away to Richmond by days. You deja­mos greetings.

  Smiling, Margo it wished that "days" they were enough to erase the face of Regan. Without a doubt, the girl would be so clumsy in fled his like in everything what tried to do. But Margo could be in charge of that. With a little dine­ro here and there, it could convince to people that they had never seen it.

  They spent four days until Margo returned finally single, to the Stanford plantation. It felt disgust when Travis ran to receive it, it raised of a jump the vehicle and it asked to him, with febrile eyes:

  -- Where it is Regan?

  Later, Margo was proud of its own one performance. One had been furious because Regan nun­ca had appeared for the trip.

  The fury of Travis was scared when seeing. It knew des­de the childhood, but never had seen it lose the control. At few moments it mobilized to all the plantation for the search of its wife. Friends arrived from all parts, but the second day, when they found a piece of one of dresses of Regan in the border of the river, many aban­donaron the search and they returned to house.