Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Read online
Page 26
It found it in the dormitory; hardly it was seen him hair over the sheet.
—¡Travis! -- it exclaimed, running towards him --. Dónde is Jennifer? It is well? How you could leave without knowing to nothing and quedarte here me, sleeping so placidly? -- it asked, giving a strong pull him of ears.
The man who got up itself in the bed was not Travis. It looked like to him much, but pequeña of him was one more a version.
-- Dime, what has made my brother now? -- preguntó with fatigue, rubbing the ear, but when watching at Regan smiled --. You must of being Regan. Déjame to present/display...
-- Where they are Travis and my daughter?
Wesley was put serious immediately.
-- Dime what has happened.
-- Margo Jenkins kidnapped to our daughter, and Travis
it was after her.
Without giving time to nothing, Wes threw to a side mantas that they covered it, without concerning his nakedness to him, and began
to get dressed
-- I always said to him to Travis that Margo was perverse, but he believed to have something to him and he always allowed it. She thinks that she can obtain any thing in the world, that everything belongs to him by right. They see with me -- it said, tomándola of the hand.
--Te you seem much to Travis -- Regan observed, and drowned one exclamación by the pain that Wes caused to him in the wrist and by the effort that it cost to him to follow the step to him. --No is moment for insults -- it responded. Wesley it left in the door of the library while it loaded two pistols and one put them in the belt.
—/.You know to mount? No. Travis said that you did not know. They see, you can go in front of my. Both together we did not get as much to weigh as Travis.
If it had had time and I animate, to Regan it would have to him disliked much the smaller brother of Travis. How it could so have two men seemed? And in one or two years more, as great serious Wes as its brother.
--Yo I am Wesley appeared, while ayudaba a to mount.
-- That I supposed -- Regan responded, and they started off immediately to everything galope.
When arriving at house of Margo, Wes helped it to get off itself.
-- Entraremos separately. It remembers that I will be cerca of you.
Regan entered by the door of the front. In momento it found to Margo seated in the library.
-- Just on time -- Margo said, with a smile, but it had reddened eyes --. You are the third visit that I have had this morning.
-- Where she is my daughter, and where it is Travis? -- preguntó Regan.
--La small and dear Jennifer is sleeping, equal that his loved father. Clear that Jennifer will wake up, but Travis, no.
-- What? -- Regan --. shouted What you have done with my family?
--No more than what you with my life have done. Travis it drank sufficient opium to kill two men. It is above, sleeping even that it dies.
Regan had arrived at the door when it stopped to to hear a firing. Paralyzed, it watched towards the door. Margo happened quickly to its side and it opened the door. Farrell entered, arrastrando the bleeding body of Wesley.
--Lo I found roaming outside -- Farrell said, and left a Wes in a chair.
-- What you do here? -- Regan exclaimed, and it went towards Wesley.
—¡Déjalo! Farrell ordered to him, taking it by shoulders --. Perhaps you thought that it was going to render to me so fácilmente, after haberte looked for so many years? No, Margo I we have been gliding this for a long time, while all vosotros you were playing with that stupid boy. Wesley will morirá by its wounds, received in a lamentable accident of hunting. Never they will find the corpse of Travis, and its hijita will inherit everything. I, by assumption, I will marry with the mother of the heiress, but it will be so sore by the death of its husband who will commit suicide. Then I will return to England like only beneficiary of your goods, and Margo will have the generosity to accept to be the tutor of Jennifer and will be encarará of the Stanford plantation until his majority of age... if it gets to fulfill it. You understand now why I am here?
—¡You are crazy! -- Regan, backing down --. said Nobody it will believe in so many accidental deaths.
One became and it threw to run would make the stairs that estaba at the end of the corridor, but Farrell stopped it.
-- Now you are mine -- it said, advancing towards her, with clothes stained by the blood of Wesley.
Regan extended the hand and demolished a candelabrum that it was on a small table. Immediately, the curtains that adorned a door near they became involved in flames. The shout of Margo resonated while it took small rug and tried to extinguish them.
-- Suéltala -- a voice ordered from the end of the corridor.
—¡Travis! -- Regan exclaimed, fighting by liberarse of Farrell.
Travis saw very badly, as if it finished undergoing one violent decomposition.
-- Crei' that you had been in charge of him -- Farrell a shouted Margo, that continued trying to extinguish the fire.
-- Tarde' a little in eliminating all the opium of my organismo -- Travis, supported in the handrail of the stairs responded.
—¡You let speak! -- Margo --. shouted ¡Ayúdenme to extinguish soon! ¡One is extending!
Farrell terrified to Regan with twists more and it aimed to him at head with the pistol.
Wesley, collapsed in a chair behind Farrell, it resorted to the few you twist that it had left to remove a knife from their boot, and with an accurate shot it nailed it between the omóplatos of Farrell. This it raised pistol, shot towards the ceiling and fell forwards.
Regan reacted right away and ran towards Travis.
-- Saca to Wesley -- it said --. I will bring to Jennifer.
Regan did not take in finding its sleepy daughter, it raised in arms and it lowered running the stairs. Travis made an effort to remove to its brother of the house. Neither it had many forces and took that it seemed an eternity in leaving in the morning to the fresh air.
Travis deposited to Wesley on the grass, with smoothness.
-- Traere' horses and a cart -- it said.
—¡Travis! -- Regan exclaimed, while it took it from the arm and it watched towards the house. A blaze left by the window of ground floor --. We cannot leave Margo there inside. It must leave or it will die.
Travis caressed the cheek briefly to him and ran to house. Minutes later it returned to leave with Margo on its shoulder, pataleando, giving him puñetazos and cursing it. Travis dropped it to the ground.
-- That damn house is not worth the life of anybody, nor at least yours -- Travis said, before the furious glance of Margo.
Regan was inclined on Wes, bandaging to him the wound of bullet that it had in the flank.
Hardly Travis separated the Vista from Margo, this one rose of a jump and it threw to run towards the house.
—¡My father is inside! -- it shouted.
Travis saw when the first flames arrived at skirt of Margo and knew that they could not save it. Quickly, it took its daughter, who it watched everything with the expanded eyes, and it made it sink the face in its shoulder.
Few seconds, the dress of Margo, empapado of whiskey, was covered with flames. Regan separated the Vista and Wes embraced it so that it cried on his shoulder.
It happened a little while until they could recover. Travis it warmly touched the forehead of his brother and it smiled to him.
-- Cuida to my women while I go in search of one
cart -- it said to him.
When it returned, they were surrounded by laborers by plantation, that watched with impotence how the house burned. It already was too much late to try to save it. The men were removing to the horses from the cercanos stables, others helped Travis to load to Wes in the part back of the cart. Jennifer was seated next to its uncle, too much tired and stunned to speak.
When Travis and Regan were located in the seat, Travis watched it.
-- Vamos to house?
--A house -- Regan --. murmured My house is where you are, Travis, and I want there to be. It kissed it.
--Te I want -- --, said and...
--Yo I am bleeding, and you two become cut -- he grumbled Wesley from back.
—¡The cut! -- Travis, starting up snorted to horses --. Hermanito, not even you know what is to cortejar. As soon as you put well, I will tell something you on the best style to court of the world. So time someday puedas to have half of talent...
One interrupted and it watched at Regan entrecerrando the eyes. She had lain down to laugh, and that hurt glance made it laugh still more.
-- Creo that, in which one talks about your histories, Travis, I prefer to listen to the version of Regan -- Wesley said, smiling, with the eyes closed.
--A house -- Regan murmured, becoming thin eyes --. It will be very good for arriving at house.
Travis also it began to smile while it directed to the horses course to the plantation Stanford.