Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Read online
Page 4
—¡The truth! ¡Clear that I see it! I know that you me it retains here against my will and that is a delinquent of the worse nature.
Travis sighed, it rose and it began to get dressed.
--Ya I have said to you why I retain to you here. --Se volvió towards her quickly.-- Tienes some idea of which
they love of you those men of the port? They look for a violent version of which we finished doing.
-- and what differentiates has among them and you?
-- with your innocence you would even have to know that I do to you love, whereas they simply would raise the skirt to you and they would do to you what they wanted... one after another one.
—¡I do not have skirt! -- Regan --. talked back The only thing that I have it is a nightgown very spoiled.
Travis only could raise the arms in exasperación gesture.
-- Single you see what you want to see, it is not thus? For that reason I consider that she is my to have protegerte of same you and your dreams rose color, in addition to the men who would harían damage to you.
--No has right! Please, déjeme to leave here.
As if the girl had not spoken, Travis she directed to the door and she requested to shouts the supper.
--Te you will feel better when you have eaten -- it said, and returned to close the door.
--No I have appetite -- Regan talked back, with obstinación. Travis took it from the chin and it forced it to watch it.
-- Vas to eat although has obligarte -- ordenó, with a hard glance, without that smoothness that siempre had in its eyes.
Regan only could agree.
-- However -- it continued, again of the good humor --, why you do not put one of those dresses that I have brought to you? That will make you feel better.
-- But you will have to leave the room -- murmuró Regan, something even scared by the threat. Until then Travis it did not have to him inspired the minimum fear.
Travis raised to an eyebrow when hearing the request. Levantó of the bed and it deposited it of foot in the ground, undresses.
--No you have nothing I I have not seen, and if not quieres that the innkeeper sees you thus, will be better than seen you.
When examining the clothes that Travis had taken to him, Regan it noticed that there was underclothes no. It preferred not pedírsela, and it was put velvet dress. It finished abrochar it to it when the innkeeper called to door.
dress era of high figure, escotado, and delantera part was adorned with silk gauze. Regan watched the mirror that it was in front of the bed and one was glad of which not outside an infantile dress. His loose hair was one maraña of untidy curls; it had the cheeks ignited and the shining eyes, and all that was combined to give imagen it of a woman to whom they finished doing the love to him... and it had enjoyed it.
The appreciative glance of the innkeeper did that Travis it almost threw it.
-- Why it did that? -- it asked, Regan, sorprendida, asking itself if Travis would be jealous.
--No I want that a mistaken idea forms -- it responded, to the time that opened a plate of roasted meat --. Tomorrow I will have to return to dejarte single and, if this man thought that you do not matter to me, could to send here to somebody. The latest that I want is a fight or any problem so near my game. Nothing will be able to avoid that it marches to me to house. I have already happened too much time in this damn country.
Disappointed, Regan complied in the chair that he him it offered. The aroma of the food made him notice of the time that it took without to eat. It remembered with astonishment that from the supper with Farrell and its uncle did not have returned to eat.
-- What happens? -- its expression asked to Travis when seeing.
-- Nothing. It is only that... -- head --. raised Not me it pleases to be prisoner, that is everything.
--No you must say it to me if you do not wish it. It eats your supper before one cools off.
During the supper, Travis tried several times to do it to speak, but Regan resisted from fear of revealing, without querer it, some track about its address. No longer it could volver to the life that had known; after which that night had happened, perhaps and was not considered it a lady.
Travis took it from the hand and it inclined towards her.
--Es one pain that to the English teaches to them that no they must enjoy sex -- it said, interpreting the spirit of girl --. In America the women are not so inhibidas; they please his men to them and they do not fear to demonstrate it.
Regan directed its submissive more false candy to him and.
-- Then why it does not return to America and his women?
Travis sent an outburst of laughter that made resonate the platos and soon it gave a sonorous kiss him in the cheek.
--, Now small, I have work that to do, so that you can ponerte comfortable in the bed and esperarme or...
--O to perhaps march to me.
-- I must recognize that you are persistent.
And you are obstinate like one muía, thought Regan, mientras he observed it to pile up plates on the tray and sacarla to the corridor. More late, already in laid down nightgown and, observó of backs, and saw how it went the hand by the hair while its pen revoloteaba on the papers that it had before himself. It felt curiosity reason why it was doing but it did not want to ask it to it so that its relation with him did not become more personal from which it already was.
One stretched and one embarked in a dream in which Farrell was going to rescue it and defeated to the American in duelo of swords. His Jonathan uncle would be there, perdón would request his to him and it would say to him that it felt very single without her It smiled when imaginar to intimidated Travis. In its dream it was seen separating from Farrell and going towards Travis, giving him the hand and pardoning it, saying to him that it returned to America and it forgot it... if it could.
When Travis lay down to its side, Regan pretended to dormir, but it attracted it towards himself, kissed the ear to him, he supported a hand to him in the belly and one fell asleep. By stranger who seemed to him, the girl also felt that she already she could fall asleep.
In the morning one was single in the great room, but as soon as she woke up, the servant entered.
-- Disculpe, young lady. I thought that it would be sleeping. Mr. Travis said to me that he brought hot water to him, in case he wanted to take a bath.
Regan did not have intentions to return to humiliate itself suplicando to the servant who let it leave. It indicated the woman who took to him bathtub and the hot water and, to its grief, enjoyed
el bath. It was almost a consolation to be able to do something in case same. Before, always it had a servant who dressed it and she washed the hair to him, and his uncle chose for her cheap and infantile clothes.
Again it cleans, dried the hair with the towel it ate an abundant breakfast and. it put the dress of blue silk. It completed atuendo with a delicate pañoleta bordada with flowers in several tones of blue.
It was a long day and, as it did not have anything to do, she was boring. It was cold in the room, because there was no home, so that one took a walk that way rubbing the brazos. By the window the weak sun entered of beginnings of the spring, but even so it was the warmest site of the habitación. It approached a chair and it began to watch, distracted, by the window. Again it began to dream, from his planes to make a garden, to how never it would pardon to Travis and it would leave Farrell took care of him.
At sunset it heard a voice that single could be Travis: deep, clear, full of humor. Its heart began to accelerate itself. Clear that it had to the solitude in which it had spent the day, but even so had to repress itself for nor sonreír when it entered.
Travis smiled to him and their brown eyes crossed it
-- That dress feels to you well -- it observed, while it cleared the hat and the jacket..Practically desplomó on a chair and it sent a deep sigh --. He would have been less fatigoso to work in the fiel
d -- prosiguió --. Your presumptuous and foolish compatriots are a string of. Almost nobody wanted to listen to my questions and, much less, to respond them.
Regan passed a finger through the edge of the table with air indifferent, trying to disguise its curiosity.
Perhaps -- they did not please its questions to them -- it suggested. Travis was not let deceive.
--Lo only that wanted to know to era if to somebody him there was lost a pretty but extremely obstinate girl.
Regan opened the mouth to answer to him, but it returned a to close it when including/understanding that Travis wanted to make bite it the hook.
-- and what found out?
Travis frunció the frown before responding; it seemed perplex reason why it had discovered.
--No I could not only find out nothing on the desaparición of a girl like you, but that I did not find that it knew a young person thus.
Regan could not respond. They had never had visitas in the Weston house. Everything what she knew of the life had learned it of his servants and governesses, who told histories him of love and horsemen galantes, of the world outside that house. He was natural that nobody knew it.
Travis observed it, trying to interpret its expresión. All the day had harassed it a doubt: what would do with Regan when it left to America? Was not said it but it had contracted three men more so that you would investigaran on her. The night in which it found it, muchacha did not have been able to come from very far, so that it lived in Liverpool or in the environs, or estaba there of step. After asking in all posadas of the zone, had the certainty that she lived there, but did not obtain to find a single track. It was as if Regan had been materialized of the anything in that night oscura, near the port.
-- You are a fugitive one -- it guessed, and the expression of young person confirmed his thoughts --. But I do not understand of whom you flee and why nobody is reviewing sky and earth for encontrarte.
Regan separated and dealed with not thinking that that had to that to the people who she thought that they loved it to not she concerned his whereabouts them.
--Lo only that I can suppose -- continued Travis slowly -- it is that your family got upset much by which you have done. I know by own experience that did not encontraron to you in the bed with the son of the gardener, so that perhaps you have refused to do something that they wanted. Acaso you you denied to marry with old ricachón?
-- Cold, cold -- Regan responded, with presumido air.
Travis laughed, because the eyes of the girl indicaron to him that it was not so far from the truth. But the laughter disimuló what really it felt. It infuriated it to think that somebody could throw to the street to one pure kid, dressed only in its nightgown. Perhaps it could have ocurrido in a little while heated, but how it was possible that they let pass several days without to look for it?
-- it was thinking that, since it does not seem to have reasons so that you remain in England, perhaps you would have to come with me to America.
-- What? -- Regan, overwhelmed --. exclaimed America is full of illiterate savages and who live in cabins of trunks. What has there but horrible Indians and animals, not to mention the savagery of people? No, of ninguna way I will go to that so primitive site.
The eyes of Travis lost the good one quickly humor. It was put of foot and one went to her.
—¡Damn English! I must support to that whole the day with your "noble ones."compatriots. They reject porque to me not them it pleases my form to speak or my clothes, or because they had some relative who died in a war that happened when I was small. I am being satiated with which they watch to me as if outside something dirty, and I do not think to tolerate it in you.
Regan backed down and raised a hand to proteger itself.
--Ya I have been contained enough with you. Of now in it advanced, you will do what it says to you. If it left here to a girl like single you, when it is obvious that you do not have single amigo in the world, you could not return to sleep peacefully. I do not think aburrirte speaking of how it is North America, since you have so clear ideas on the matter, but at least, in my country we did not expel to children only because they are disobedient.
Cuando we arrive at Virginia you will be able to choose what to do... something more adapted for a "English lady" whom convertirte in street, because that one would be your only posibilidad if you remained here.
It watched it with fury.
-- It is clear?
Without giving time to respond him, one left with portazo and key threw to the door.
-- Yes, Travis -- Regan in the empty room whispered.
One was glad which Travis had left, because him it was impossible to think about its presence. At least, if it managed to infuriate it sufficient, it obligaría not to perhaps make those horrible things in the bed and, perhaps if provocaba, would let it go. Smiling, comenzó a seated and to imagine its flight, the wonderful thing that it would be to escape of that rustic American. What idea!, it thought. ¡To take it to America!
One complied in the chair, it was covered with a blanket and it began to fantasear on the horrible place that had of being America. It remembered that there was counted a servant to him whose brother had traveled there and returned with espeluznantes histories, all which had been related him her with luxury of details.
As the candle was consumed and the room it sank in the dark, began to watch towards the door, asking itself when it would return Travis. In a while, already outpost the night, left its chair, lay down in the great bed and fry, and you accommodated the pillows to recostar itself against them. It was not just like to recostar against great and lukewarm his cuerpo, but at least it helped.
In the morning it had jaqueca and it was of the bad humor. it infuriated the fact that the American was dejado single and unprotected all the night, at the mercy of cualquiera that could obtain the key backs water his room. In a while he spoke of much who was going to take care of it, and soon he left his luck.
Their ponderings were interrupted when somebody it called to the door and soon it opened it. Regan crossed the brazos on the chest and it raised the forehead, preparing itself stops
to let know to Travis that its abandonment was no it afectado. But instead of the deep voice of Travis it heard laughter of women. Regan became and was agape when seeing three women who entered loading great books and several baskets.
-- Are you mademoiselle Regan? -- a woman asked colored person, pretty and slight --. I am madame Pink, and they are my assistants. We have come to occupy to us of its wardrobe for its trip to America.
Regan took several minutes in including/understanding of what it treated all that. Apparently, Travis had contratado to madame Pink, a French immigrant and ex- seamstress of one of the ladies of queen Maria Antonieta, so that a wardrobe for its captive created everything. In the beginning Regan was put furious by the presumption of Travis and simply it seated in bed with an empty glance. But when seeing the perplex expression of the women comprendió that it could not unload his wrath them. His disgusto was with Travis Stanford, not with those women who simply made their work.
-- Vere' which has brought -- it said finally with fatigue, thinking about all the other times that were permitido to him to choose their clothes. His uncle allowed him to use only vestidos roses, blue or white, and their only ones adornments were the embroiderings that made she and the servants.
With a joy smile, the designer and his assistants began to unfold samples of sorts on the bed. It seemed to have an infinite variety of colores and textures, most of which Regan was no visto never. There was a dozen of velvet colors, more of flat, linen, at least six types of silk, with docenas of colors for each one. The wool sorts ocupaban a corner of the bed, and Regan was marvelled before its variety: cashmeres, tartanes, a smooth fabric and of long fibers that, according to they informed to him, was to mohair. ¡And the muselinas! It seemed to have hundreds of colors, lined, painted, printed
, embroidered, plisados.
With the eyes expanded by the astonishment, Regan watched a madame Pink.
-- In addition, of course, they are the trimmings -- it said woman, and indicated her assistants who approached those samples. There were pens, velvet and tapes flat, encajes made by hand mixed with strings of tiny per them of culture, silverplated cords, accounts of azabache, You dwell of silk, tules gilded and confused decorative clasps.
Embarrassed, Regan was immovable, without being able to leave of to watch all that colorful one.
-- Perhaps he is too early for mademoiselle -- madame Pink --. suggested Monsieur Travis said that we had to organize it everything in day to be able to cortar all the models before its game. I have contracted a a woman who will travel with you and will order of the seam, so that everything he will be ready when they arrive at America.
When its mind began to be sprightly, Regan preguntó if Travis would know what it was doing. He doubted that a North American had idea of the cost of the femenina clothes. His Jonathan uncle had been in charge of to make him conocer the exorbitant honoraria that the seamstresses received.
-- Travis asked which would be the cost of the clothes?
--No, young lady -- madame responded Pink, surprised --. Last night it came to my house very late. It said that, according to they had informed to him, I I was better seamstress of Liverpool and that wished a complete wardrobe for one young person. It did not mention the price, but it gave the impression me that monsieur Travis it did not need to ask it.
Regan opened the mouth, returned to close it and smiled. ¡Of way that robust and pendenciero that colono thought that still it was in forests of America! It could be amused to play by a day with sorts and adornments, to pretend to order an extensive wardrobe, and soon to see the face him Travis cuando it received one more an account higher than any sum that had imagined. Clear that she would ask the women who presented/displayed the account to him before beginning a to cut the clothes. It did not want that they left losing when Travis not pudiera to pay to them.
-- By where we began? -- Regan with dulzura asked, amused by the idea to win to that jactancioso.