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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Read online

Page 10

  --No -- it responded with a smile, because it already knew those arguments --. You know that I enjoy your company. We seated here a little while?

  It passed the rest of afternoon with David, but it did not obtain to pay attention to which he said. However, it observed the agility whereupon Travis climbed up the rope next to the mast and threw the heavy thicknesses and cords forming a great battery. In several Travis occasions one stopped and it yawed to him an eye, always conscious that it observed it.

  That night, for the first time in several weeks, Regan it arrived at the stateroom before Travis. Finally lle­gó he and, when seeing it, him it illuminated the face and it smiled with felici­dad.

  It seemed to have returned more attractive in those last ones weeks, with the face bronzed by the hardest sun and múscu­los still than before.

  Good --Es verte after an exhausting day. Think that you could receive to me with a kiss? Or perhaps you have occurred all them to the young person Wainwright?

  The joy of Regan disappeared.

  -- I must accept that insult without a word? The fact of which you force to maintain to me this inde­cente relation does not mean that another one man also can hacer­lo, nor that I try it.

  Travis separated from her, it took off the shirt and empe­zó to wash itself.

  --Es good for knowing that that puppy has not dealed with to take what is mine. It is not that it could do it, sure but I like to be surely.

  —-¡You are insuffrable! ¡And I am not yours!

  Travis was limited to smile with confidence.

  -- Quieres that it demonstrates to you that you are mine?

  --No I belong to you -- Regan talked back, retrocedien­do --. I know to take care of to me single.

  -- Mmm... -- Travis smiled and it approached to him. With sensuality, began to cross with a finger the arm of Regan and when seeing to vacillate the firm glance of the girl, entrecerró the eyes.-- Perhaps that boy can hacerte to shake with a single finger?

  Regan separated.

  ---David is a horseman. We spoke of music and of

  books, things of which you do not know anything. his family is one of oldest of England and I enjoy his com­pañía. -- Enderezo' the shoulders.-- and I will not allow that your jealousy ruin my friendship with he.

  -- Jealousy? -- Travis laughed.-- If it had jealousy, it would be of somebody that had something but that that beardless one. --Se put serious.-- But I believe that boy begins mirarte with other eyes, and I think that you would not have to see it as much.

  -- What would not have...? Perhaps there is part of my no life that you do not try to control? --Se calmed and continued.-- I am a free woman, and when it arrives at America I think to make use of my freedom. I am sure that David is the man class whom it would love to marry and it would not deal with... to escla­vizar to a woman.

  With calm, Travis supported a hand in the shoulder of Reagan.

  -- you would really like to change me by a boy and gold ring?

  One inclined to kiss it, but it separated.

  -- Perhaps I would like to try it -- she murmured --. The men they cannot be so different. If David lands on water to me, perhaps we could be compatible in the double bed.

  Travis grasped it by shoulders with brutality.

  --Si that boy arrives at tocarte, I will break to him all bones... and in your presence.

  It shoved to him and one left portazo. Regan it spent the night single. One resisted to admit how much it missed to Travis, single that felt without its arms. Duran­te all the night gave returns in bed, treating about not llo­rar, treating about not being scared.

  In the morning it had ojeras and, for the first time, SARAH it did not do questions to him. Both were put to sew in silen­cio. Near the fall of the sun, David called to the door and asked if Regan would wish to walk with him.

  In cover, Regan seemed incapable to see another thing that to Travis, and this one never watched it.

  It infuriated it that Travis ignored it, and in conse­cuencia it overturned all its attention towards David, that complained the duration of the trip and of the food. When seeing that

  watched of Regan it happened of the disinterestedness to the adoration, David let speak and it watched it.

  -- Today you are more charming than ever -- it whispered --. The sun it takes to your hair a golden tone reddish.

  Just then Travis happened near them, with a great piece of candle on the shoulder:

  -- Thanks, David -- Regan in too high voice --. said Fulfilled your they cause that a woman feels as a queen. Memory not to have to me sense so flattered.

  If it heard it, Travis did not perturb; it happened to his side without si­quiera to lessen the step.

  That night returned to be single. It longed for to demonstrate a Travis that did not concern its abandonment to him. It wanted to prove to him that it could make things by own account. For that reason, in the course of the days, it began to flirtear with David more and more openly, always when Travis was close.

  AI to fall the night of the third day, David accompanied a its stateroom and, instead of the friendly goodbye of siem­pre, took it in his arms with ferocidad.

  -- Regan whispered to him to ear --, you must know that I love to you. I loved to you from the beginning, but step all the nights

  single while that... that animal has right a tocarte. Regan, my love, tell me that you feel the same by my.

  With great surprise, Regan it discovered that the hug and kisses of David were to him repulsive. It pushed it, trying to free itself.

  —¡I am a married woman! -- it protested.

  -- Married with a man who is not worthy to kiss backstitch of your dress. We will maintain our love privily until let us arrive, and then we will make anu­lar your marriage. You cannot happen all your life with that poor sailor. They see with me, and I will construct a house to you like never it has been seen in that slow country.

  —¡David! -- it insisted, struggling --. ¡Suéltame aho­ra same!

  --No, my love. If you do not have the anger of decírse­lo, I will do.

  —¡No, please, no!

  Suddenly it included/understood that Travis was in cier­to. It did not want to David, and she had used to cause it to him jealousy.

  David forced it to watch it and it covered the face to him with kisses I warm up, humid and suffocating, while Regan retor­cía being to flee.

  In opening and closing of eyes, David seemed to fly by the air. Overwhelmed and incredulous, Regan observed how the fist of Travis gave of plenty in the face of David and aplasta­ba against the wall. David fell to the ground, unconscious, and Tra­vis returned to raise the fist.

  Of a jump, Regan grasped it of the arm and it was hung of he.

  —¡No! -- it shouted --. ¡You are going to kill it!

  The face of Travis was a distortion of its semblante habitual. It had the inflamed, black eyes of fury, and the mouth in rictus of wrath. Regan separated with fear.

  -- Conseguiste what you looked for? -- gruñó, with the frown gathered.

  Without saying more, it gave average return and it returned to cubier­ta. Shaking, Regan watched David, that began to in­corporar itself with the nose bleeding. Its first impulse was

  to help it, but when seeing that com­prendió tried to get up itself that one was well, so that fled to his cama­rote. Once inside recostó against the door; his cora­zón barked with force and the tears began to roll by its cheeks. ¡Travis was right! She had used to David had played with his feelings, almost she had promised something that did not think to give; and everything to wake up the jealousy of Travis. But to it does not hate to cause jealousy to him; it stops , Regan was not but that a property.

  It was thrown on the bed and one lay down to cry deep and sincerely.

  Hours later, it felt the dull head and they ar­dían to him the eyes. One had fallen asleep crying, and it it had des­pertado one violent one shock of the boat. While it tried to understand what happened, another shock sudden expul­só
of the bed and made it fall to the ground; where it remained, atur­dida. The door of the stateroom opened and struck against the wall when inclining the boat in another direction.

  In the entrance it was Travis, dress with a thickness raincoat with the wet hair unkempt and. Acer­có to her with difficulty by the balance of the boat and levan­tó in arms.

  -- you have become damage? -- it shouted, and only then Regan it was aware of the tremendous noise that was.

  -- What happens? We were shipwrecked? -- Regan asked, and it curled up against him, immensely happy for returning to touch it.

  --Es only one storm -- Travis with another one responded shout --. There is not much danger, because for days we have been preparing ourselves. I want that you remain here, entien­des? That it is not happened to raise to you cover or to go with the other passengers. It is clear?

  Regan agreed against the shoulder of Travis and afe­rró to him, thinking that perhaps the reason of its absence in the last days had be that preparation for tor­menta.

  Travis inclined, left it on the bed, watched it with an expression that Regan could not decipher and soon kissed it possessive.

  -- Quédate here -- the comisura of one repeated, and caressed of the reddened eyes and inflations of the girl. With that one left, and Regan it was single in the stateroom.

  The solitude intensified its perception of the balance of the boat. Not to fall of the bed, one clung to cos­tados the best one than it could. The water began to filter below the door and to cover the ground of the stateroom.

  While it fought to conserve the balance, comen­zó to imagine what it would be happening in the cover. If the water arrived at stateroom, must of other already have inun­dados. Its imagination, always active, it began to devise a horrible picture. Once, when Regan was little more than one creature, a servant of her uncle had received a letter that informed to him that his husband had fallen by the hut during a storm, and later a friend of this one had been going to tell all sad history him. All the personnel of service, and also Regan, had met around the sailor to listen all the horrifying details. That history no longer seemed to him so unreal, then over his head there were high waves like a house, waves of a force so that they could drag with himself to a dozen of men.

  ¡And Travis was there above!

  The idea frightened it. Travis, of course, never it would think that something terrible could happen to him. Without a doubt, esta­ba surely gives that until the same sea it would obey to him. On the other hand, it was not a true one sailor. He was as soon as a farmer who, of boy, had been in a whaling one, and aho­ra had to work in exchange for its passage.

  A shock of special violence returned to throw a Regan of the bed. ¡Travis!, it thought, fighting by levan­tar itself. Perhaps that wave it had thrown by the hut.

  Regan raised to the Vista when hearing a crujido fort of ma­dera. The boat was becoming broken! The bed clung on the brink of madness with both hands and it managed to put itself of foot. One went to its trunk that fortunately, was screwed to the ground. It had to find a shelter, and later, somehow, to arrive a the cover. Somebody had to sal­var to Travis of itself, to convince it that it returned

  to the relative security of the stateroom and, if one refused, somebody had to take care of it. If it fell by the hut, Regan would throw one to him cord.

  No history that had to him counted could to prepare to Regan for the intense gust of wind and salty air that him gypsy dialect body when opening the door that it gave to the cover. It needed all its forces for abrir­la the sufficient thing like being able to leave, and soon was closed of a blow after her. A burst of salty dew soaked it immediately, with which his wool layer adhered with slowness to its body.

  Obstinate to the handrail of the stairs and making an effort by to stay raised, blinked by the cold water that pare­cía to cross it and treated to descry to Travis. It in the beginning did not manage to distinguish the men of parts of the boat, but its interest in the security of Travis was stronger than the pain that caused the violence to him of the storm.

  Little by little their eyes adapted and, blinking of haste to clear the water, distinguished the blurred figures of the men in average of the enormous cover. Before it could decide how it would arrive at that part of the boat, a sudden shock demolished it and it made it roll by cover. It was struck with force against a wood of the boat and one clung to which it had close more: the base of made­ra of a tube.

  When it passed the wave, it began to get up itself once more, and when doing it, it returned to hear that crujido of wood, only that this time it noticed that it came from above. Seguramen­te one of the masts was breaking. Slowly, it began to advance towards the men and the mast. One was glad when seeing that all the men, including Travis, were subject to boat and watched the mast that peli­graba.

  —¡I have said that they raise! -- rugió the captain, with voice more discharge still that the fury of the sea.

  Regan became thin the eyes with the back of the hand and saw that the sailors gave an one step back. A mo­mento in including/understanding took that captain was ordering who somebody climbed up the rope. It thought to say to him which it was its opi­nión of that order, but it knew that it had to keep silence so that Travis did not discover it there above.

  Nevertheless, when a look threw to Travis, it saw that it already had seen it and he went towards her. The expre­sión of fury that was in his face it surpassed the fury of the sea and, without thinking it, Regan was directed of return to the door; suddenly its anger had disappeared.

  Before it got to take two steps, the enormous hand from Travis it took it from the shoulder. It did not say a single word, nor it was necessary that it did, since its face said everything to it. When the boat returned to shake itself and another wave ame­nazó to overturn it, Travis covered with its body and sostu­vo against the handrail.

  -- Perhaps it strikes you by this shouted to him once to the ear that the boat returned to straighten itself.

  Then another shout, higher still distracted to them, of captain:

  -- He is that it does not have a man I entered you? In that moment, while Travis grasped it of bra­zo with a painful force, Regan it saw David and it knew immediately that it had followed it cover. Even to the tenuous one light, through the dew of the sea, saw that it had the face magu­llada by puñetazo of Travis. They were watched a little while and Regan felt like culprit when seeing that David knew that it had used it, that had played the role of idiot.

  One more a smaller wave struck the cover and interrum­pió the visual contact between both. When one dissipated, Regan saw that David was had advanced... but not it mira­ba. Walking the most raised than it could given cir­cunstancias, went towards the captain.

  Right front to Travis stopped and shouted:

  — ¡I am a man! ¡I will raise by the rope!

  — ¡No! -- Regan, obstinate shouted to the arm of Tra­vis --. Deténganlo.

  David was maintained of the base of the mast and it became towards Travis. This it seemed to understand the dumb plea of David and agreed once; soon it took the hands from Regan to retain it.

  Regan struggled with Travis. It wanted to go towards David, to de­tener it, then it knew that it was the suicidal culprit of that inten­to.

  When seeing that nothing could do, it remained immovable, equal that the crew. Travis was located between the handrail and the support of a tube in order to hold better to Regan, but in nin­gún moment separated the glance from slight figure of David.

  The captain, alleviated by to have found to the aim somebody with sufficient anger to climb up the rope, gri­taba instructions to David to the time that tied one to him cuer­da to the waist. Judging by gestures and by the few pala­bras that was heard, was obvious that David had to climb by the rope until first and longer peñol, to advance almost until half of this one until being suspended on the turbulent water and to assure peñol so that it was not broken.

  Regan could not but drown a exclamación of incredulity, t
oo overwhelmed to even protest. She was sure that it saw David direct itself to muer­te. With fear, it sank the face in the chest of Travis, but this one forced it to watch David, that had stopped in the base of the mast, hoping a last one watched of her.

  The young person raised to the hand as a goodbye and lue­go he dropped it with impotence. Raised, with the back supported in the chest of Travis, observed it to initiate the ries­goso ascent.

  Ineptitude was made evident immediately of David, then their feet slipped and often they lost support, so that it was hung of a single hand. The wind tried to take it, making loosen the hands him and snatching the cords to him under the feet.

  Regan took the hand to the mouth and nailed the teeth in its own meat while it observed.

  Slowly, with great difficulty to each step, David it arrived at the aim to peñol. One clung to him with both arms and pare­ció to stop moment, vacillating, to rest or qui­zá to hope that it passed the following one wave. When the water was sprightly and who they were in cover they saw that David it followed there, heard a unanimous sigh of lightening.

  When the boat returned to straighten itself, David comen­zó a to advance centimeter to centimeter by peñol. Shortly before arriving at the point in that one was becoming broken, desen­rolló part of the cord that took to waist and took an end to the mouth.

  — ¡Taken care of! -- shout somebody near Regan. But David it did not hear the warning: another great wave vol­vió to isolate it of the others.

  In the cover the blow of the wave mixed was heard with another sound: crujido of wood. Regan contained the breath and waited for what him it seemed an eternity. When to the aim the water was sprightly, it raised the Vista with fear towards peñol which David followed obstinate with tenacity. Cuan­do finally it could see, smiled because peñol followed intact.

  Nevertheless, its smile lasted very little, because pron­to saw what it was had broken: over the head of David it was the greater top, a wide platform that was used to mount guard. Of that platform it had given off a flank, partly just upon the head of David, and to judge by the inmovilidad of the young person, pare­cía it to have struck.