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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Read online

Page 11

  Regan grasped to Travis with more force while obser­vaba the small and immovable figure of David. It did not have idea that Travis watched it and it noticed the terror that reflected the face of the girl. Regan did not become aware you are welcome

  until Travis separated ele yes to it, it did it to crouch down themselves and to subject to the heavy tube.

  — ¡Quédate here! it ordered to him. Soon it took a cord that it was tied to the cabillero and was coiled it to the cin­tura. A new class of terror seized of Regan, a so deep terror that it prevented to speak him, and his hands put white by the force whereupon it grasped the tube.

  Daring hardly to breathe, it observed how Tra­vis it raised by the rope with hands and much more segu­ros feet that those of David, with a remarkable agility for somebody so corpulento, or perhaps outside that needed all his fuer­zas to resist to the storm.

  Whenever a wave prevented to see him Travis, Regan it felt to die a little. When it saw it arrive at peñol, the body of the girl he was as rigid as the tube to which one clung.

  With caution, Travis advanced by peñol. When al­canzó to David, it was astride located on him and incli­nó; obvious it shouted to him, but the ferocious wind took the words.

  When David got up and watched Travis, several of the sailors shouted breath words to them. But Regan did not feel lightening some.

  Travis and David spoke long short while until Travis it began to advance. All were scared but when seeing it to go beyond David on narrow peñol. With skill and rapi­dez, it assured it with the cord that took. In two ocasio­nes had to stop and to cling to the wood so that the waves no they dragged it to the sea.

  When it finished, it backed down until David. This him it gave the cord that took tied to the waist and Travis tied the end to hers. Thus they were united to cual­quier destiny that waited to them in the length reduction to the cover.

  During a little while they continued speaking more, then apparently Travis tried to convince to David that it left the site to that one clung with all his forces.

  The heart of Regan almost stopped when seeing that Tra­vis it threw of the cord so that David even backed down

  the mainmast. It was as if Travis had all time of the world, by the patience whereupon hoped that David began a to move.

  Slowly, moving a muscle per time, David it began to back down and Travis it guided the feet of the boy until the rope. As if it dealed with a creature, Tra­vis helped it; it placed the hands and the feet to him in the suitable places and in a while maintained with their arms con­tra to it unstable rope. When it passed the wave, they reinitiated the reduction.

  Regan began to breathe a little when it saw them six meters of the cover. It saw that Travis shouted to David, that wagged head; it returned to shout to him until David agreed. The boy began a to descend single while Travis maintained it with the cord and tied extre­mo to rope.

  Regan was put of foot and included/understood that Travis it assured that David was out of danger, well subject, so that if following wave dragged, did not take it tam­bién to David.

  With tears in the eyes, Regan observed that Tra­vis, when watching towards the sea from that height, it seemed to have seen something that others did not reach to see. Travis coiled the cord to the forearm; soon bra­zo in the rope interlaced the other and impelled with the foot to David, whose cabe­za it was now at the level of the feet of Travis. David, inse­guro and terrified, it lost support and its slight body fell during a moment until it stopped thanks to cuer­da that it took tied to the waist and that maintained Travis.

  David sent a terror shout and Travis began a to lower it slowly until the sailors received it and they lowered it quickly to the cover.

  But the eyes of Regan did not separate from Travis, that, as soon as it saw that David was out of danger, loosen cuer­da, clung to the rope and the head like pro­teger itself bent. Regan separated from the tube with haste, but it could not give more than a step, because then it struck the greater one of the waves. The cover flooded of cold water and sala­da and, as if it protested, the boat threatened turning upside down.

  Regan fell on the cover, rolled and went to give of lle­no against the cabillero. Nevertheless, in spite of the pain, it only repaired in another one horrible crujido of wood.

  In spite of the inclination of the cover and fuer­za of the water, one clung to the cabillero and it tried to rise. The shout of a man and the fleeting vision of a body arroja­do over its head and of the hut no they made it stop. It cost to him to breathe and, much more, to see, and esfor­zó by to raise the Vista towards the rope of which Tra­vis hung. If it had not watched with as much attention, the blurred image of Travis would not have divi­sado, that in that moment lost support and began to fall. It was united a foot in the rope and that to him it saved it; it seemed stunned and it looked for cie­gas the cord that needed stops to maintain itself.

  The sequels of the immense wave continued shaking brig cone if outside I spin a top of toy. Regan followed obstinate and said while Travis made an effort to subject. It saw that something happened to him, that was fighting against something more than the sea.

  It hooked an arm in the cabillero, took from cabi­llas a heavy cord as its arm and began to avan­zar slowly towards the foot of the rope.

  To his around, the men shouted and the wind and water disguised the sounds, but Regan only saw Tra­vis, that painfully it tried to descend. Sostenién­dose still the best thing than could, Regan climbed up rope until reaching the foot of Travis.

  It was scared but it knew that there was no alternative, so that it held the ankle to him to the rope with the cord. This was too much it releases and thickness to be able to tie it, reason why simply it coiled it, with hope of which it reached the time to him before the following wave arrived.

  Hung on the cover with as soon as a piece of cord, was not prepared for the blow of a wave. It interlaced its body with the cord and clung with all

  its forces.

  After that wave, Regan was too asus­tada in order to move. With a hand it grasped the end of

  the prudent thickness that had held to the ankle of Travis and was scared to be on the awares. It had done what could to save it, and one did not dare to watch to find out if it followed there or no.

  It seemed to him that there was long past short while there, means sitting and suspended means, until it heard shouts. Still afraid to open eyes, maintained them closed with force.

  —¡Travis! -- it heard shout from down, enough near she.

  —¡Mrs. Stant'ord! -- a voice called that only could be the one of the captain.

  Regan was on the awares, nervous; still it feared to watch towards where Travis could be or no.

  Later, nobody remembered who began to reir. Qui­zá not outside a graceful situation, but the sailors esta­ban alleviated because to the aim they had left back tormen­ta. Last the two waves had turned aside to the boat of his course and the picture that they had there above it was to them suma­mente entertained.

  Regan, to about three meters of the cover, was prác­ticamente sitting in the rope, with its dress of soaked muse­lina and the legs naked interlaced in the tieed cords, embracing its own body with arms and legs. In a hand it had an enormous subject cord to the leg of Travis, a man who doubled it in size and that now it hung of the rope like if it were dur­miendo. It really seemed a niñita that a stranger lead animal.

  —¡Coarse of laughter and bájenlos! -- the captain shouted. Alen­tada by the laughter of the men, Regan dared to watch towards Travis and saw that it bled to him sien it.

  When three of the sailors arrived until her and they saw the state of Travis, let laugh.

  -- You saved the life to him -- one of them said with astonishment --. Not even it knows that we are here. It could not have maintained itself if you had not tied it.

  -- It is well?

  -- Respira -- the sailor responded, but he did not add


  --No -- Regan --. said Lower to Travis
first. Now that they included/understood seriousness of which Regan had done, the sailors they contemplated a little while with incredulity; soon they became respectfully, without watching the naked legs of the girl.

  With certain dignity, Regan managed to lower with ayu­da of a sailor. It surprised to see to him until what height had arrived by difficulty that it had to descend.

  Once in the solid cover, it followed the men that they took to Travis to the stateroom. When happening as opposed to puer­ta of David, one of the men it murmured that the young horseman was sleeping. Regan only it agreed, because all their thoughts were for Travis.

  Soon it arrived the doctor side and it examined heri­da of Travis.

  -- Surely it struck the greater top when despren­der itself.

  --El doctor watched at Regan with admiration.-- they have said to Me that you saved it to fall by the hut.

  -- it will be put well? -- Regan asked, without impor­tar to him praise.

  -- it is never known with these wounds. Sometimes they sobre­viven, but no longer the mind works to them. The only thing that pode­mos to do is to give him to drink water and to avoid that much moves. Moan not to be able to help it more.

  Regan only agreed while it separated the humid hair of the forehead of Travis. The boat followed sacudién­dose, but it seemed calm in comparison with the last hours. Regan became and requested to one of sailors who still were there that he took fresh water to him.

  When it was solo with Travis put hands to the work. First it undressed it, which was not easy by the weight of its inert body. it surrounded with dry blankets that removed from a trunk and it stopped when hearing that they called a the door.

  It was Trumbull SARAH.

  -- One of marine the wine to look for to me. Me con­tó one crazy history of which you tied to Travis to the candle. It said

  what Travis was wounded and that perhaps you it needed ayu­da. And it sends this to him.

  Regan took the container with water.

  --No I need aid -- it responded --. But perhaps pue­das to help the other passengers -- it added, indicating with the head in the direction of closed door of David.

  To Sarán it was enough to see the fear to him that reflected the face of Regan to include/understand that something walked very bad.

  -- All we will say by him -- it whispered, and it tightened briefly the hand of Regan.

  Again single with Travis, it began to clean to him hurt.

  The cut was not long, but apparently the blow he had been very strong, because Travis was totally unconscious. After to clean it and to shelter it, and when seeing that not yet it moved, Regan tended to its side in the bed and it rocked it in his arms, with the hope to give back the life to him by pure force of will.

  Hours later it woke up. One had fallen asleep of fatigue and its teeth castañeteaban of cold. It had not repaired in which still the wet clothes had putting. Travis was immovable inert, pale; its vitality habitual it had disappeared.

  Regan rose with sigilo and the dress took off dunked and cold. It noticed, distracted, that at some moment was lost its layer of wool and that the muselina dress esta­ba torn in several parts. Poor man Travis, thought with a smile. It would have to even buy a new wardrobe to him before he was ready first.

  The idea made take it to the hand to the mouth and him they filled the eyes of tears. Perhaps Travis would not get to see its new clothes; perhaps never it would wake up of his dream. ¡And everything because of her! If it did not have coqueteado with David, this one would not have felt forced to demonstrate to Travis that he was a man. If only... It was commited to pen­sar in another thing.

  One went to the trunk and it removed a thickness dressed silk with small cords of dark red color, black adornments flat in the waist, the neck and the fists. One got dressed, returned

  junto to Travis and returned to clean the wound to him, that still it bled a little.

  Travis midnight it began to move and to be shaken in bed, and Regan made an effort to avoid that lastima­ra when moving the arms. His force could not compete with the one of him, so that the only thing who could do era subír­sele above, to retain it with the weight of its body.

  To the Travis dawn pare­ció returned to be shaken soon and to fall asleep; most of the time maintained the eyes closed. When the light of the sun it began to enter by the ven­tana, Regan seated the bed on the brink of madness, it supported cabe­za in the shoulder of Travis and fell in a deep dream.

  What it woke up it acaricián­dole was the hand of Travis smoothly the hair. It was gotten up immediately and it watched it to see if there were lucidity in its eyes.

  -- Why these dressed? -- Travis with voice asked it snores, as if the that outside most important one of the world, Regan did not have idea of rigidity that had maintained its body in the last hours, but then the tension was tan­ta that left it that suddenly it began to tem­blar. Great tears went to their eyes and rolled by their cheeks. Travis not only it would put well, but that ade­más its mind had not suffered damage some.

  Travis took a finger to the cheek of Regan and touched one tear.

  --Lo last that memory is that I heard become broken the top greater. It struck to me in the head?

  Regan only could agree, and the tears began a to flow with more intensity.

  -- That was yesterday or the day before yesterday?

  -- The day before yesterday -- it responded; it felt in the throat a knot so had supper that as soon as it could speak.

  Travis outlined a smile, soon a pain face finally another smile.

  -- Then, those tears are by me?

  Again, Regan only could agree.

  Travis returned to have supper the eyes, without letting smile.

  -- Valio' the pain a tap in the head to see my girl to cry by me -- it murmured, before falling asleep.

  Regan returned to support the head on its chest and gave loose rein to the tears. It cried by all the fear that had felt when seeing to Travis to raise by David, raising she later by Travis and the hours happened without knowing if he would live or no.

  Travis was a wonderful patient, as much that Regan it was exhausted in forty and eight hours. It did not have any repairs in being become fond of a that Regan took care of and cuida­ra. It wanted that it always gave him food in the mouth, constantly needed its aid to get dressed, and requested that it twice washed it with the sponge per day. Whenever Regan suggested to him it tried to walk for recupe­rar his forces, suddenly appeared to him one jaqueca more intense still than the one that aquejaba all along and requested to girl who applied cold cloth to him in the forehead.

  To the fourth day, when Regan already was on the verge of de­cir to him that better one had gone away by the hut, somebody called to the door. It was David Wainwright.

  -- I can happen?

  Still it had the bandaged arm and hematoma in jaw.

  With more forces of those than it had demonstrated in several Travis days it was gotten up in the bed.

  -- Clear that it can happen. Take seat.

  --No -- David said, without watching Regan --. directly I came a to thank to him to me to have saved the life.

  Travis observed the boy a little while.

  -- Only I did it by shame, because it made us que­dar a all like cowardly.

  The eyes of David dilated. It remembered very well how one had become paralyzed on peñol and how Travis, patient even in the middle of the storm, had put it out of danger. But it also saw that Travis did not have intentions to tell it to nobody. David straightened shoulders and esbo­zó one slight smile.

  -- Thanks -- repetió but their eyes expressed but that his words. Quickly, it left the stateroom.

  -- You were very good -- Regan said, to the time that it inclined and it kissed to Travis on the cheek.

  Travis extended an arm quickly and it took it by waist.

  -- Erraste -- gruñó; it attracted it towards himself and it kissed it on mouth. Regan embraced it with desire. Its body knew very well how many day
s had happened immediately than a contact fra­terno. One separated from him and, while Travis him mordisqueaba smoothly the inferior lip; it emitted a serious giggle.

  ---Hace one hour you were too weak to leave bed.

  -- Now desire to raise to me either, but does not have anything that to see with the weakness -- its hand behind Regan responded, and took stops to clear the dress to him.

  Immediately, it rose of a jump.

  -- Travis Stanford, if you break another one of my beautiful dresses, right of perpetual ownership that I will not return to dirigirte the word.

  --No concerns me that you do not speak to me -- talked back Tra­vis, to time that threw to a side the blankets and him mos­traba that already was more than ready for her.

  --Oh, skies -- Regan sighed, and began to desa­brochar itself the dress with more haste than ever.

  With joy, already it undresses, one hurried to put in bed with him. It began to caress it with the legs and to hun­dir the face in smooth skin of the neck of Travis. There was espe­rad long time that it returned a its bed, and was as ready as he. Nevertheless, when it dealed with which Travis it located on her, he resisted.

  --No, my small nurse -- it said, laughing between teeth.

  It took it from the waist, it raised like a one muñe­ca to it and it placed it on its virilidad.

  Regan drowned a exclamación of surprise. It took moment in recovering, but when Travis made it incli­nar itself and approached the mouth to the chest of the girl, the surprise became joy. Travis caressed to him the back mien­tras with the mouth excited the chests of Regan. She nun­ca it had felt that exciting contact in so many areas at the same time. strong hands of Travis returned

  to its waist and they raised it, slowly, before to return to lower it.

  Without thinking it twice, Regan adapted to the rate. His strong legs, hardened by the constant balance of the boat, impelled his body upwards and downwards. Soon it discovered that it pleased to him to control the slow rate, rápi­do or, to incline to clear the chest of Travis with his sines, to observe how the attractive face of him acquired an expression angelical.