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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Page 12

  Nevertheless, its interest to observe it dissipated very soon and, when increasing the passion of Regan, began to move more and more quickly. Travis grasped it with fuer­za and, without separating of her, it did it to tend of backs and continued the movement until the delicious relief it arrived for both.

  With weakness, one collapsed on Regan, place setting of sweat, with all relaxed muscles. Underneath him, the girl smiled and she embraced with force. Its pleasure increased when having control on him, to the knowledge able to turn as hard to somebody as Travis that hom­bre docile and night watchman.

  Without letting smile, one fell asleep.

  Regan was leaning upon on the cushions in angos­ta bunk, weak and trembly, while Travis applied compresas to him you cold in in front. It watched it with gratitude and son­rió the best thing than could.

  —¡What moment to disturb to me! -- murmu­ró. Without saying nothing, Travis continued helping it. Regan was shut up, too weak stops to move. Personal­mente, had a feeling that that indisposición had to do with what it happened in his mind. Clear that it to Travis could not men­cionar to it, but the idea from lle­gar to America scared much, being single in a strange country with people who spoke a language that sometimes cost to understand to him.

  It had spent almost a month from the storm and, des­de then, it had not done much, except for helping to SARAH with the seam. No longer coqueteaba with David Wainwright nor tried to cause the jealousy of Travis. In change, had spent the time with him: eating, making the love and talking. It discovered that Travis was a wonderful narra­dor, and it entertained it with long histories about its ami­gos of Virginia. It spoke to him of Clay and Nicole Armstrong, of those who it told an extraordinary history him about that Clay been had married with a woman, an aristocrat

  French, and jeopardizes with another one. The form in which Travis it counted it made laugh to Regan until the tears, specially by pranks of the nephews of Clay. It spoke to him of its brother, Wesley, and Regan it took several days in including/understanding that Wesley was a boy and not a boy small. In silence, it offered a plegaria of support for any person who it had to live under the dominion of Travis. It also spoke to him of the Backes and of all the others that lived river above and river down.

  Regan listened to with interest, glossing histo­rias of Travis with its imagination. When imagining to that gen­te, saw rustic hovels, women with simple dresses of percal even smoking in pipes of mazorca; a hom­bres, imagined them like simple farmers working in the fields. With a confidence smile, it wished that aque­llas people did not go to treat it like a member of the royalty only by the beautiful and expensive clothes that took.

  Thanks to histories of Travis and the fantasy of Regan, that heightened them, the long trip happened flying, and that week was first in which Regan worried. It did not know if it were that preoccupation which him it had caused the vomit or vice versa. The only thing that knew was that of pron­to it found very ill and weak, tended in the bunk, watching at the ceiling, with scrambled stomach.

  Travis had behaved of wonder from the beginning of its disease. There was care, it washed the face to him and one was in charge of which it rested. Its work with the crew had even sus­pendido and not it it left single by more of minutes.

  Regan knew that all those attentions were a way to take leave of her. The pretty clothes and those aten­ciones of last moment were it compensates it of Travis by the pleasure that it had given him during trip a Amé­rica. Now it could get rid of her, return with its family and her friends, and it would never have to return to see it. No longer it would have to support that coqueteara with other men nor who outside a useless person.

  The tears began to roll by their cheeks. By what had not left it in England, where at least

  knew the customs ele people? Why it had teni­do that to force it to go to that strange place soon to aban­donar it like a a remainder?

  It had intentions to say what thought to him of him, but as soon as Travis returned to the stateroom returned to have nauseas and forgot his annoyance.

  -- Acabamos descrying earth -- Travis said, mien­tras it embraced and it rocked it against his warm and reconfortante chest --. Tomorrow to this hour we will arrive at puer­to of Virginia.

  -- Well -- Regan --. murmured When perhaps este­mos in mainland goes this decomposition to me.

  That declaration seemed to amuse to Travis, that abra­zó with force and it caressed the hair to him.

  -- Creo that will go to you in a moment.

  The following hours were an activity rage. SARAH kept in the trunk the last dresses from Regan, and Travis paid her and a the other women who were ayuda­do. There were tears when Sarah and Regan they dismissed. SARAH glided to remain in the boat and to travel to New York to see to its family. All the women to whom Regan had helped in the beginning of she travels met and they obse­quiaron a blanket to him like for a woven creature with a beautiful design.

  -- Pensamos that soon it will need it -- said a woman, watching at Travis with picardía.

  -- Very many thanks -- Regan, compla­cida said of that the women could imagine, because there was no way to say to them that they were his first friends.

  That night remained wide-awake in arms of Travis, contemplating it to the light of the moon. It wished that he not hubie­se arrived a to mean as much for her, wished to be able odiar­lo like in the beginning, or even to find it despicable, but now everything what felt was an overwhelming one solitude by its next separation: the one of that man of whom had lle­gado a to depend, and of the other women who considera­ban a friend and they did not think that he was an insensible one.

  In the morning very it was shut up. Making an effort by to smile, of foot in the cover, took leave of its friends,

  that they were contented to disembark and excited by its arrival to house or a new earth.

  Travis had left it single while it ordered disembarkation of its properties. That morning, when desper­tar very late, Regan saw that the boat already had berthed and that some people disembarked. With kiss rápi­do, Travis said to him that it would be occupied until afternoon and it explained to him that the storm had approached them America. Since several days had arrived before the glided thing, nobody had been going to wait for them.

  ¡To wait for them!, Regan with displeasure thought, while it observed Travis giving orders to some sailors who piled up the trunks.

  -- Mrs. Stanford?

  Regan became towards the timid voice and found to David Wainwright. It seemed thinner, and their eyes watched a point slightly to left of the head of Regan.

  -- Quiero to wish the best thing them of everything to you and his husband -- it said.

  -- Thanks -- Regan responded. The face of David it reflected all the fear that sen­tía, and Regan wished that his it was not so evident.

  -- Espero that to both we like America more than what we thought -- it added.

  David made deaf ears to that commentary, that him it remembered the conversations that had maintained; esta­ba too much shamed. -- Diga to its husband...

  It could not finish. It took the hand from Regan, it kissed it and it watched the eyes a little while.

  -- Good bye -- it murmured, and one left quickly by the footbridge.

  Affected by the feelings of David, Regan it inclined on the handrail and it saw Travis, that it watched it with the gathered frown. The girl gladly greeted it with the hand and thought for the first time that perhaps she managed to come out ahead single in that new country. After all, it had done friends in the boat. Perhaps..

  Travis did not give more time him to think, because minutes later it was saying to him that haste occurred and ate, that it put clothes resistant, that kept the clothes in the trunk... in short, it was directing its life.

  Regan thought that it did not see the moment for getting rid of she, and obeyed to him with a slowness that drove crazy to Travis.

  --O you finish in two minutes or I remove to you from here by force noticed --. to him It
waits for a cart, and qui­siera to us to arrive before to grow dark.

  The curiosity of Regan could more than the resenti­miento.

  -- Where we go? Me... you have obtained an employment to me?

  Travis stopped, with the trunk to its back, and him it smiled.

  —¡I found a wonderful use you! Something in which you are very good. Now vamonos.

  Regan resorted to all its forces to avoid that words of Travis bothered it. It followed it by pasare­la with the forehead discharge.

  Travis loaded the trunk in the ugliest vehicle and weakened that it had seen.

  --Lo I feel -- Travis said, laughing, when seeing the displeasure of girl --. I said to you that we arrived before pre­visto, and that was the unique thing that I could obtain, Tonight we will go to house of a friend mine, and tomorrow I will request presta­da a small canoe.

  Nothing of which Travis said had sense for Regan. It knew that a small canoe was a species of boat, but did not have idea of why it would want Travis to obtain one. Travis took it by the waist and it seated it in the cart desven­cijada with as much ceremony as for the trunk, a was located its side and made start up to horses of cansino aspect both.

  The fields that crossed seemed more rustic than those of England, and the way was atrocious; in fact, it was little but that one it treads. According to it verified the cas­tañeteo of the teeth of Regan, Travis it encountered over all wells of the way.

  Travis watched it and laughed between teeth.

  -- Entiendes now why in general we traveled in boat? Tomorrow we will be in a pretty small canoe, without pockets in which to fall.

  Regan did not have idea from where she would be she to the day following, since apparently Travis pretería to mante­ner privily identity of its future pattern. It did not have intentions to request details to him, then con­seguiría knew that only that he watched it with that expression irritating.

  The sun began to put itself when they stopped before first house that saw: a blan­queada, clean and extensive wood small house. To the sides of the footpath that took to the house there were flowers whose petals they moved sua­vemente with the primaveral breeze. The house was simple, but of better quality that the one that had waited for Regan.

  Travis called to the door and left a regordeta woman and of greyish hair that wore a per­cal apron on its dress of muselina.

  —¡Travis! -- it exclaimed ---. We thought that something happened. man that you sent said that you would arrive long before.

  -- Hello, Martha -- Travis said, and it kissed it on meji­lla --. Yes, we took more than what I thought. The judge already lle­gó?

  Martha laughed.

  -- as impatient Sigues as always. I suppose that this one she is the young lady.

  With possessive attitude, Travis took to Regan by shoulders.

  -- Regan, I present/display to you to Martha.

  Regan was frightened at the bad modales of Tra­vis, and it extended the hand.

  -- Enchanted to to meet it; lady...

  -- Only Martha -- son­risa --. responded the woman with one Now you in North America are. The judge waits for them.

  They entered an pleasant room, with furniture clean and taken care of upholsteries in sure a green tone and curtains of the same one well tone. Before it could open

  mouth, presented/displayed the judge to him, a high man and almost bald that did not seem to have more name than the one of "judge".

  They narrowed the hand and in opening and closing of eyes Regan heard the words:

  -- Loved brothers, here we are reunited in pre­sencia of our Gentleman...

  Contundida, thinking that oía badly, Regan watched at others. Martha smiled to its husband with angelical air; it had an open book and he read the formula of the ma­trimonial ceremony. Travis maintained it of the hand with an amazingly solemn expression.

  Regan I take minutes in including/understanding what was happening. ¡They were marrying it with Travis Stanford without at least having to him asked if it agreed! Esta­ba before those strangers, dressed in I brought green oscu­ro of heavy linen, tired, with the gathered frown of preo­cupación by its future... ¡and they were marrying it! It watched the solemn profile of Travis and it thought that this time had gone too much far. When it go to marry, would have that to request it before to it, and its better dress would be put.

  Suddenly one noticed that all they watched it. The judge he smiled and he repeated:

  -- Regan, you accept to this man like husband?

  The girl watched at Travis with her smile more dul­ce and romantic and she responded:


  It happened a little while before somebody reacted. Martha emitted a giggle that demonstrated that it was to tan­to of the character dominant of Travis, and the judge hurried to watch his book. With the face fury ignition, Travis almost took it to the lobby to the dray and closed door after them.

  -- What demons mean this? -- gruñó, watching it very close by.

  Regan, involuntarily, backed down passed and tra­tó of not losing the anger. It was the right, and that was to its favor.

  -- you never asked to me at least if it wanted to marry to me with you. You did not ask to me either if it wanted to come to I loved -

  rich. I am tired from which you make all the decisions by me.

  —¡Decisions! -- Travis --. exclaimed Neither it must make no decision. The destiny is he­cho by us.

  When seeing the glance of consternation of Regan, he prosi­guió.

  -- Quisiera sacudirte for hacerte to enter reasons, but I fear to make damage to the baby.

  -- Baby? -- Regan murmured.

  Travis had supper the eyes a little while, as if-it said pi­diendo forces.

  --No you can be as ingenuous as nonknowledge that that we do in the bed produces babies. --Al to see that the girl followed shut up, it continued in lower voice.-- you will not have believed really that that decomposition that you had in the last weeks was by the movement of the boat, or yes?

  Tenderly, it caressed the cheek to him.

  -- Affection, you take to my baby in you, and I marry with the mother of my children.

  Stupefied, Regan did not manage to think with cohe­rencia.

  -- But and the use? -- it murmured --. In addition, I cannot to marry to me with this dress, and I do not have flowers, and... and... ¡Oh, Travis! ¡A baby!

  Travis took it in its arms and it embraced it with force.

  -- Pense' that you knew it. I thought that simply not que­rías to say it to me. I would not either have realized, only that once the wife of my friend Clay vomited delan­te of me just. It said me that to many women it happens to them that in the first months. Now, love -- it continued, tomándo­la by the chin --, you want to marry with me?

  When seeing that it vacillated, it insisted.

  In my house you will be able to work whatever you want -- it said, smiling --, if what you want he is ganarte the life. In cuan­to to the dress, me you please more without clothes, so that to cual­quier dress it is well. In addition, only they are Martha and the judge. And I can gather some flowers of the garden of Martha.

  --No -- Regan murmured, making an effort to contain tears.

  The words of Travis were very logics. Clear that it waited for a baby, and clear that she would marry with him. It did not have another option, already that it knew that could not escape of Tra­vis if it took something that belonged to him. In whatever to the clothes, what mattered? If it could marry without love, could hacer­lo without a pretty dress.

  -- I am ready -- it said finally in shady tone.

  --No is an execution -- Travis, laughing --. said Perhaps tonight I will be able compensarte.

  Regan went ahead by the runner. Travis knew that it would never understand it. The wedding was, supposedly, the acon­tecimiento more important in the life of a woman, a little while in which it feels that all they want and they wish happiness him. During the rest of her life she would remember aque­lla secret and sad ceremony, s
urrounded by strangers, cuan­do married not according to own will but reason why lleva­ba in the belly. Mechanically, in suitable moment, showed to accept to Travis as husband and ignored mira­da peculiar that it directed to him. When the moment arrived for placing the ring to him, Martha offered his, but Regan shrank of shoulders and responded that no it mattered.

  At the end of the ceremony nobody smiled, and when Tra­vis one inclined to kiss it, Regan offered the cheek to him. Ape­nas proved the wine that it offered the judge to them and it did not comment out any when Travis said that they had to leave.

  Regan took leave making an effort to smile and them it was thankful while Travis helped it to raise the cart. The tension of the day and the wedding (if it were possible to be called thus) had left it exhausted. One collapsed on the seat and Travis it attracted it towards himself.

  --No has been a great wedding, right? -- it observed --. It was not something that a girl can tell her grandsons. --No -- Regan responded simply, without atrever­se to say not to cry more.

  The only thing that it wanted to make era sleep; perhaps on the following day it could think with more joy about its baby and being the wife of Travis.

  When the cart stopped, Regan was almost slept, and as soon as it woke up when Travis raised it in arms and it took it by stairs.

  -- We arrived?-- it murmured.

  -- Still not -- Travis --. responded seriously We are in an inn. In the morning we will go to house.

  Regan agreed and it complied against him. That one was at least its night of weddings. Travis could not know how a wedding had to be celebrated, but yes it knew to do the best night of weddings than a woman could imagine.

  Tended in the bed where it left it, it heard it raise trunks by the stairs. Perhaps not outside so bad to be casa­da with Travis; to less, no longer it would have to worry so that it left it.

  It smiled when feeling the lukewarm lips of Travis in his cheek.

  -- Volvere' in a while -- it murmured Travis, and she it shook --. It rests, because you will need it.