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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Page 13

  When closing itself the door after him, Regan stretched, it placed the hands under the head and watched the ceiling, without ver­lo in fact. He was his night of weddings. The previous year one of the servants of its uncle had married, and to the day siguien­te all harassed it with jokes; but the girl esta­ba so radiating that nothing bothered to him. Now Regan enten­día why.

  Suddenly, it was gotten up in the bed. It was truth that it waited for a baby and that no longer he was virgin; but one felt as if outside. With a glance of adoration towards the closed door, thought about the good thing that there was be Travis when allowing him that solo moment to prepare itself. In the old one vestidor that was in a corner of the room waited for a bathtub to him with water it warms up, and it supposed that Travis had sent to somebody ahead to prepare its lle­gada. It had even left on the dressing table the keys him of the trunks.

  Quickly, because it knew that Travis would be impacien­te in his night of weddings and it would not take much in arriving, it opened his trunk and it looked for between the beautiful clothes that had sewn SARAH and she. Almost at heart there was a dressing gown of fine silk

  with a slight silver-plated brightness. He was translúcida, without to reveal too much. It had been keeping it for an occasion like that one.

  The linen dress undid quickly, without pen­sar in which it had been his suit of wedding. At least in its night of weddings yes it could to shine something elegant. One undressed and it began to wash itself, laughing all along. Soon the dressing gown was put and it shook of delight when feeling it on its skin. It was smooth, acariciante, and one adhered to its curves in lu­gares adapted. it approached the mirror and a little when seeing was frightened how their chests raised with impudicia the beautiful fabric; the pink nipples were hardly visible, but, of some way, stood out. Yes, it thought. To Tra­vis it will enchant this dressing gown to him.

  It removed from the trunk the brush with silver frame that him Travis had given. The hair loosen and it dropped it li­bremente to his back. One was glad of to it never to have cut it since they had done it so many women from the revo­lución in France. Cepilló quickly and was run to bed because it knew that already it had been delayed enough. One felt so impatient as surely it would be it Travis.

  Once in the bed, it adopted what supposed was a pose seducer, means reclined on the pillows, with an extended arm and supporting as soon as the fingers of the other hand in its shoulder. With which it hoped that it was a sophisticated expression, watched languidly towards the door.

  It was late and the inn was in silence, but each time that oía slightest crujido of wood smiled when ima­ginar the expression of Travis when it entered. Whenever a little thought about him bent the back more, removing chest. It did not let remember the words of Farrell when ima­ginar its night of weddings with her, about which segura­mente it would cry like one creature. That night, although Farrell never knew it, would demonstrate that it mistook. That night would be a seducer, a woman who knew what wanted... and it would obtain it. Travis would be put of knees, shaking like gelatin, and she would be her owner.

  Perhaps outside the uncomfortable position of its back that first it caused pain to him. Soon it included/understood that it hurt to him

  an arm and him the hip had been become sleepy. One moved a little, lowered the arm and began to leave their world of ensue­ño. She was one expert in fleeing from the reality during long lapses, and wondered itself how much time she had been in that position.

  It watched his around and it saw that there was no clock, and tam­poco there was moon was. The candle that was next to the bed, that was new, was several centimeters shorter.

  Where it would be Travis?, it was asked, to the time that it threw to a side the blankets and one went to the window. She would not think that she needed as much time to prepare itself. There was a lightning that it illuminated by moment the empty patio of the inn. In few minutes it began to fall one smooth drizzle, and Regan shook by the cold air that filtered by window.

  It returned to the tepidity of the bed and watched his around. It was happened to him that that room looked much like aqué­lla in that Travis it had had locked up in England. Then it was her slave, and now she was its wife. Clear that he did not have ring, and the judge had signed the paper only with Travis, but it waited for a son of Travis and was sure that it would return for that reason.

  The idea that it did not return made it fruncir the frown. Porqué would have crossed him by the mind a so absurd idea? Travis was word man, and was casa­do with her:

  A honest man, murmured. Perhaps the men honest they kidnap women and takes to America con­tra to them their will? Him it had given reasons for which it forced it to accompany it, but perhaps the only thing that it wanted was somebody that him entibiara the bed in the long sea voyage. ¡And she yes that had done it! They had almost made burn the bed and now it took in its belly the product of that fire.

  It began to rain more fort, and the drops struck against the dark window; with rain the deses­peración was increased of Regan.

  Travis never had wanted it. Was had saying cien­tos of times. Even when they were on board of the boat, he

  it had tried to find out its identity to be able to undo of her. It was just as Fariell and its Jonathan uncle: they either it they wanted.

  The tears began to fall by their cheeks to pair of rain. Why one had married with her? Aca­so Travis was had found out its inheritance? It had lle­vado it to North America, immediately it had married with her, and now that had that paper and could demand dine­ro no longer it wanted to see it. It had left it in a strange country without money, without aid and, perhaps, with a baby to whom to take care of.

  One lay down to him to cry with fury, giving puñetazos to pillow, shaking itself by the sobs. Soon it began to calm down itself and tears became slower, to medi­da that the fury became hopelessness, and pregun­tó why she was not worthy that they land on water it.

  It was, rain became a dense heavy shower and, hours later, that sound sang to sleep it until it fell in a deep dream. No it heard the first passages in escale­ra, and what finally it woke up it they were the forts gol­pes in the door.

  —¡It opens this damn door! -- rugió a voice that only it could be of Travis. It was obvious that the other guests do not preocupa­ban to him.

  Regan felt the heavy head like a piece of granite. It tried to get up itself and it watched with the eyes hin­chados towards the door that it threatened to break itself with the blows of Travis.


  The shout made it fly until the door. It turned pesti­llo y said, stunned:

  -- it is closed with key.

  --La key is on the dressing table -- Travis responded, displeased.

  Hardly it had opened the door when Travis irrum­pió in the room... but Regan almost could not see it, because it was behind greater amount of flowers than she had seen in its life. Like she was fan a the gardening, reco­noció many of them: tulipanes, narcissuses, jacinths, irises, violets, three colors of lilas, poppies, azaleas and roses gorgeous and perfect. They were totally desorde­nadas: some hung behind Travis, in front of him, some tied in branches, other releases and falls, some

  mud covers; other ajadas in the rain. Even when Travis stopped, you cry them fell around to his like her­mosas drops of rain.

  Travis advanced, with which it scattered more flowers and it was above some, threw them to all on the bed and then Regan saw that it was place setting of Iodo... and very gotten upset.

  —¡Malditas things! -- it exclaimed, to the time that saca­ba ramillete of violets of the neck of its shirt and arro­jaba to bed --. Never perhaps I thought that it could hate the flowers, but tonight has changed of to seem.

  When taking off the hat, fell water to the ground. With dis­gusto, it removed three dwarfed irises from the hat and it threw them with the rest.

  Until then as soon as it had watched Regan, and it was so great its fury that not even repaired in the dressing gown nor in
the brilliance that it caused the rising sun under the silk.

  With slowness, one seated in a chair and it began quitar­se the boots, but before rose and, with a face, qui­tó of the chair a rose with thorns.

  --Lo only that thought to do era a simple trip to north -- explained while a boot took off, of which fell more water --. A friend mine he has a conservatory, and he lives hardly to eight kilometers on here. And like one fiancèe must have flowers, happened traerte to me some.

  Still without watching Regan, the empa­pada jacket took off and dirty. Of her aplasta­das fell a cascade of flowers, to means to tear the pages out of.

  Travis ignored them with an obstinate indifference.

  --A half of way began to rain -- prosi­guió --. But I followed trip, and when I arrived, my friend and his wife rose of the bed and personally the flowers cor­taron to me. They drained all the garden and conservatory.

  Next one took off the soaked shirt, and more flowers they fell on the considerable battery that it had on the feet.

  -- the problems began the return. To maldi­to horse left a horseshoe to him, and I had to walk by that mud strip that in Virginia they call way. It could not look for who me shod it and lose my to me own night of weddings.

  Fascinated, Regan could not but contemplate it; with each word of Travis, their wounds were closed.

  -- Then the lightning began. The horse it scared and it threw me to mud. If that animal lives two days more, she will not be because I it allows it -- it threatened --. There would be deja­do to go, but the malditas flowers were in the mount, so that I had to spend two hours in the storm looking for that animal, and when I found it no longer had the mount.

  With fury, one took off the trousers.

  -- Paso' another hour until I found the mount and these... -- it continued, while it cleared of its trousers which was of one peonía, smiled with disdain and estru­jaba before dropping it to ground --. coats were had broken and there was no form to load the flowers, so that I had that to put them where it could.

  It for the first time watched at Regan the eyes.

  -- There she was I, a greater man, in the middle of one of the worse storms of the year, filling to me the clothes with these flowers full of thorns and scent. You know the stupid idiot thing that I felt? And now why you cry? -- it said, without pause and with the same tone.

  Regan slightly raised a ajada rose and very wet of the bed and took it to the nose.

  -- a fiancèe must have flowers -- she murmured --. You have done this by me.

  The wet face of Travis reflected perplexity and exas­peración.

  -- Why, if no, it would have left in one night thus, in my own night of weddings, by God, if not outside by my fla­mante wife?

  Regan could not respond; gacha maintained the head, with the full eyes of tears.

  Travis stayed pensativo a little while. Soon it approached, took it by the chin, it made raise the face him and it observed it.

  -- You have much been crying -- it said in low voice --. You thought that it would not return, is not thus?

  Regan separated from him and it went to the head of bed.

  --No, clear that no. It is only that...

  One became when hearing that Travis laughed between teeth. Esta­ba naked, standing up, like a mitológico God surrounded by aromatic flowers, and she also it smiled. There was regresa­do to her, and much to give him had made an effort what wanted.

  When seeing it with that transparent dressing gown, the eyes of Travis ignited of desire.

  -- I do not deserve one compensates by all this tra­bajo?-- it murmured, extending the arms to Regan.

  Of a giant jump, Regan sent towards him and abra­zó with arms and legs. Travis maintained it, surprised. -- How you could think that it would leave you after all what conseguirte has cost me? -- it murmured, before to unite its lips to those of her.

  The contact of the naked skin of Travis, fresh and hú­meda between his legs, it made it shake of pleasing and Regan increased the pressure of its legs until threatening to divide it in two. The only thing that separated them was thin silk. Regan rubbed against him, with the almost aplasta­dos sines by hard chest of Travis.

  It took the hands to the wet hair and interlaced fingers in him while their lips marked an ardent footpath on those of Travis. It was there, it had returned to her and he was its husband, his for which it wished. With júbi­lo and a sensation of being able, Regan bit the lobe to him of ear with too much force.

  In opening and closing of eyes one was flying by the air and landed with an explosion of flowers of hundreds of colors and aromas and a delicate revoloteo of silk. Qui­tó two narcissuses of the face and smiled to Travis, that it was standing next to her with the hands in the hips, the múscu­los tense and the raised virilidad.

  -- Thus it is as a fiancèe must see itself. -- Deja speak and they see here -- Regan said, laughing and extending the arms.

  But instead of going with her, Travis knelt down and him it kissed the toes, one by one, exciting them with the language. Its mouth ardent it continued towards the plant of

  feet and, while it passed the teeth through the arc, Regan a nerve in its interior shook when tightening itself.

  Travis laughed, with a deep sound that transmi­tió on the foot of Regan, it ascended by the leg and it reverberated in the center of his being.

  ¡Travis! -- it exclaimed, getting up themselves and treating about

  to reach it.

  Underneath her, the flowers crujían and released his fragrance. But Travis ignored it; their lips ascended until the knees of the girl, exploring, kissing, caressing.

  Regan, list for anxious him and, thought that it would return it crazy person when thus playing with its senses. The mouth of Travis tor­turó first one leg, and, as if that was not enough, its hand, so hard and so sensible simultaneously, it caressed the mús­culos to him of the other leg until Regan felt like weak e defenseless. Nevertheless, at the same time one felt like a tigress; it wanted to scratch it and to bite it, to tear to that man who threatened his sanity.

  When Travis arrived at the center of the femineidad from Regan with hands and lips, the girl was on the verge of shouting and turned the head towards a side and another one, desespera­da reason why he did to him.

  -- Please, Travis, please -- it requested.

  On few seconds he kissed it with ardor, but not more that she, who seemed to want to devour it. When it penetrated it, Regan bent until separating completely of the bed; it needed it and it used his lips stops to urge it more.

  The passion of Travis was as great as the one of her, and its necessity, does violence to. After few deep movi­mientos and powerful, its body was shaken and it embraced it with force while the espasmos they crossed both


  It happened a little while until Regan noticed that it could not to breathe, that Travis seemed to want to absorb it, and she que­ría that did it.

  Finally, Travis diminished the pressure of its bra­zos but it did not loosen, and it maintained it the face against the neck of the girl. Regan it was on the awares and it saw one long row

  of squashed petals that adhered to the skin sudorosa of Travis. It returned the head, inhaled dul­ce deeply fragrance and one lay down to laugh, while it extended a hand, took some flowers and it threw to the air.

  With a raised eyebrow, Travis was gotten up and it watched it.

  -- What is so graceful? it asked to him. —¡Flowers for fiancèe! -- Regan with ale­gría --. exclaimed Oh, Travis, I talked about a branch, nona everything a garden. Travis inclined on her, at random took a handful from flowers and was given it.

  -- I am sure that you will find what que­rías here.

  Regan left underneath him, rolled on the flowers, it soon threw several to the air and on Travis.

  -- It wants flowers ^-said, laughing and imitate the voice of Travis --. Then, I will give flowers him. ¡Oh, Travis, everything what beams are so... so great! -- it laughed, looking for suitable word --.
The beams everything so excessive, overwhelming...

  One seated in the bed and it observed it, that magnificent one body reclined with indolencia on a bed of flowers, and its heart seemed to give volteretas.

  -- Perhaps -- it continued, with feline voice --, everything in you is not overwhelming all along.

  Travis aspired suddenly and it grasped it by the dressing gown, but it stopped a brief and acute shout of Regan.

  --No you dare to break noticed it to him, but it cleared quickly before Travis could do it.

  -- Ordenes and provocations -- Travis murmured, narrowing the eyes, while it was put in four legs and it began to persecute it like enormous wild animal.

  With a joy whine, Regan separated and comen­zó a to bomb it with flowers while it advanced lenta­mente towards her. When it was cornered against the wall, raised the hands in surrender signal.

  -- Gentile gentleman -- it said, simulating fear --. You do what wish of my, but you do not clear the virtue to me.

  With the skin ignited by the perspective of the deli­ciosa attack of Travis, was frightened when he sent

  a sonorous one "Curse!"It turned the head and it saw that Travis had seated and the knee clung.

  -- How it is possible to be crawled without hurting itself with these things? Sight this! Sometimes you had seen a thorn so


  Regan lay down to laugh with so many desire that that thought it would drown. Travis took off the thorn of the knee, arro­jó to the ground and watched a Regan with fury.

  --Me it cheers to serve you as diversion.

  -- Travis -- it exclaimed --. ¡You are so, so romantic!

  Travis was put serious by the sarcasm of mucha­cha and its mouth became an air line.

  -- Why flo­res would have brought you all these malditas if not outside the soul of the romanticism? -- it asked with


  The question, and specially the way in which there was it formulated it caused that Regan sent another outburst of laughter. It took several minutes in to include/understand that he was hirien­do the feelings of Travis. It had to admit that real­mente it had tried it. It was not its fault if it often did not understand that ramillete of violets is románti­co more than an amount of flowers sufficient to overwhelm a cart. She had said that she wanted flowers, and he she had tried them. Travis was not the guilty either if a thorn forced a to interrupt a charming game