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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Page 19

  Before the horses stopped completely, Travis jumped in front of of the vehicle the church. In that instan­te left a man that it seemed to have passed the life

  drinking. Travis, that never very had been given to formalities and too much were altered to think about the consequences, it grasped to the man by the shirt and it put in a corner it against the wood wall.

  -- Who you are?

  --Yo I did not do anything, Sir, and I do not have money.

  Travis pushed more against the wall.

  -- Are you who anchor doing questions on me?

  The man made a face of pain; one strave by to breathe with the pressure of the fist of Travis in its throat.

  --El paid to me. I had to find out if you esta­ba alive or no.

  -- It will be better than you begin to speak. Who paid to you?

  --Un English very elegant. I do not know how it is called. It said that he was friend his but that had said to him that you were dead, then me it paid so that it found out cuán­do had died.

  Travis tightened with more force the throat of the man.

  -- Mencionaste to Regan.

  The man watched it, confused.

  ---Dije that it lodged in the hotel of Regan.

  For a moment, Travis diminished the pressure.

  -- What Regan? And where it is that hotel?

  In Scarlet Springs, Pensilvania, and is Regan Stanford, like you. I asked to him the preacher if they were related.

  Right away, Travis loosen to the man and had to soste­ner itself not to collapse.

  -- Sube the vehicle. We will go to Scarlet Springs, and by way you will speak.

  Before the man reached to seat, Travis hi/o to take the horses. When happening at full speed fren­te to the store where it was Margo, not even it lessen the march. One as opposed to stopped stable.

  —¡Jake! -- it called --. Dame a decent cart, something that it has supported a long trip. And it takes this -- it added to the time that threw money on seat --. It gives back east car to its owner.

  Jake as soon as it raised the Vista.

  --Si you are in a hurry, will be better than you put yourself in mar­cha; it seems to me that storm comes near -- it said, and seña­ló with the head in direction in which Mar­go approached, very furious. It dropped the horseshoe that it was cleaning and it went to hook a cinnamon for Travis.

  Travis became towards the hombrecito that followed in seat of the car and warned to him:

  --Si you move of there. he will be the latest that you do.

  It finished saying it when Margo arrived.

  -- How you dare to follow of length and to leave me single there? --lo increpó, almost out of breath by it to have persecuted.

  -- Now I do not have time to discuss. I leave in minutes.

  —¡You march to you! Good, I believe that I have finished purchases, but you will have to happen to look for them by cua­tro stores.

  —¡Jake! -- rugió Travis --. Still you do not have list cart?

  One became towards Margo.

  --No I go to house, so that you will have to look for another one so that it takes to you. Pídeselo to Ellen. It passs by my house and dile to Wes that I will be absent by a time.

  One became and it saw that Jake approached the heavy cart in front of the stable.

  -- Sube -- it ordered to the nervous hombrecito that esta­ba in vehicle.

  -- Travis -- Margo, irritated --. insisted If not me ayu­das...

  It was interrupted when Travis raised the cart, without to pay attention to him.

  -- Where you go? -- it asked, while the cart was put in march.

  --A Scarlet Springs, Pensilvania, to look for Regan -- it responded, before leaving with a commotion pedre­gullo and polvareda.

  Tosiendo and cursing. Margo became and watched at stableman, who smiled with satisfaction. It included/understood the grace of his persecution of Travis, but the more laughed people, the more furious was put she. Nevertheless, to weighing

  of its fury, it began to conceive a plan. Whereupon Scarlet Springs, was not thus? pobre Travis had left without a single shirt clean. Perhaps she would have empacar­le something of clothes and to take it to it. Yes. whatever plus it thought it, more was convinced that Travis needed clean clothes.

  Regan was in its office, reviewing accounts, when Brandy entered.

  -- How goes everything? -- it asked.

  -- Very well -- Regan responded, without letting exa­minar books --. The next year we will be able to construct a pair of new buildings. It was thinking about one mueble­ría. You do not think that Scarlet Springs needs its own one fábri­ca of furniture?

  -- Sabes that it did not refer me to the finances. How they go things between you and Farrell? Last night you returned to have supper with him, is not certain?

  -- Sabes very well that yes. But in answer to your pre­gunta, Farrell always is a wonderful company. It knows to take a conversation, his modales are impeccable and knows how to cause that a woman feels like one it reigns. --Te it bores very many, right?-- Brand with a sigh observed, to the time that one seated.

  In a word, yes. With Farrell there are no surprises. It is so... I do not know it, I suppose that he is too perfect. --A Jennifer it likes. Regan it laughed.

  --A Jennifer it likes the gifts that he does to him.

  ¡imagínate, to give a as active girl as Jen one

  porcelain wrist! She wanted to use it like target she stops

  to practice with the arc game and Done that him you gave.

  Brandy drowned a giggle.

  -- Perhaps Farrell also hopes that the children tolerate like ladies.

  Regan was put of foot after its writing-desk. -- We have some new guest? -- Hace minutes arrived a man in one carre­ta. very good looking subject. And very great.

  -- Brandy, you are incorrigible -- (dijo Regan. rien­do --. But I will give the welcome him.

  When leaving its office, one ran into with Farrell.

  -- Good morning --la saluted, and it kissed hand to him --. lists more beautiful than the rising sun on the drops of dew in a rose petal.

  Regan did not know if to laugh or to moan.

  -- Thanks for so beautiful fulfilled, but now I must to go to me.

  -- Kegan, beloved, you work too much. They see happen day with me. We will take to Jennifer and we will almor­zar to the field, as if we were a family.

  -- Lily a very tempting invitation, but really I must to go to me.

  --No you can flee from me with as much facility -- repli­có Farrell with a smile. It took it from the arm and they were diri­gieron to the reception.

  Regan even felt the presence of Travis before ver­lo. It was in the door, and its enormous body covered the light. The body of Regan it put rigid when the eyes of both were.

  Neither one moved; simply they are mira­ban. A big wave after another one of emotion crossed to Regan has­ta that seemed to him to hear hard outbreak. After minutes that seemed to him hours, it turned on their heels and with a revoloteo of skirts, fled to their office.

  Farrell was not safe of which it happened between Regan and that man, but had enough idea. It did not please the reaction to him of her. Without wasting time, it followed it close by.

  -- Regan, love -- it said to him, while it took it by shoulders. The girl shook as much that as soon as she could have itself still on.

  Nevertheless, Regan as soon as it noticed his presence. The only thing that oía was the beats of their heart and the slow cadences and heavy that they approached without vacillating. Pale Tembloro­sa and, terrified writing-desk on the brink of madness and one inclined towards the strength of Farrell.

  The door of the office was opened with a bru­tal force and it gave completely against the wall.

  -- Why you left me? -- Travis with a whisper asked, drilling it with the glance.

  When he approached to him, Regan could not speak; only it watched, pasmada.

  --Te I have made a question.

  Farrell interposed.
/>   -- Espere a little while. I do not know who you are, but no it has no right on Regan.

  It did not finish what meant, because Travis took it by shoulders and it threw it towards the other side of the habi­tación. Regan hardly it noticed it; it only became aware of which Travis approached to him more and more.

  When it was to few centimeters of her, him aca­rició smoothly they sien it with the end of the fingers, and Regan felt that him they relaxed the knees. Before des­plomara, Travis raised it in arms and sank the face in the neck of the girl. Without they said one single pala­bra, took it towards the door, turned to the right and it went to end of the corridor, where they were the rooms of Regan. After two days to speak with the man whom it had contracted Farrell, it knew well distribution of the Inn of the Silver-plated Dolphin.

  With the mind too much occupied to be able to pen­sar, Regan did not consider what it was doing. The only thing that knew was that it was in arms of Travis and that, more than the same life, wanted that it did the love to him.

  Smoothly, as if it could break itself, ten­dió on the bed and soon one seated to its side. It maintained between its hands the face of Regan and caressed the cheeks and sienes to him.

  -- Almost it had forgotten the beautiful thing that you are -- mur­muró --, delicate and the adorable thing that you are.

  The hands of Regan raised by their arms. It was magnificent to return to feel that force, that proximity. Once again it began to shake when invading it the desire, that threw to run with ardor by its veins.

  -- Travis -- it managed to whisper before the mouth of him it covered hers.

  Desperate, frenetic, turbulent, they began a to take the clothes. They did not wish tenderness: only there was one violent necessity that they had to satisfy. The clothes fell to the ground, the bellboys flew by room, a embroider fist withdrew and the delicate averages of silk hicie­ron shreds. When they were united like a thunderclap that follows a brilliant lightning, clung with all his fuer­zas, more and more deeply, trying to satiate its incon­trolable mutual thirst.

  With violence, in a blinding outbreak, they bent with the espasmos that crossed their bodies. They followed obstinate during several minutes until to the aim the muscles relaxed, Then were watched, as if you would qui­sieran to devour.

  It was Regan that broke the spell when laughing, because Tra­vis, with the naked chest and an arm, took to putting a single sleeve of the shirt. Travis lowered the Vista to see what was so graceful, and smiled with delight.

  -- Mira who is ed ***reflx mng -- it said, and it indicated what queda­ba of atuendo of Regan.

  Enagua coiled to the waist had one, and was another one, torn, underneath them. His corsé, put and average means torn, was wrinkled under an arm, mien­tras its dress was to little more than three meters, hung of the frame of a picture. Regan leaned on the elbows and, when watching towards his feet, it saw that one of its averages, with its pretty league of embroider, was intact, whereas the other, bored, was entangled between the fingers of its feet.

  Travis conserved a sleeve of its shirt and the boots, nothing more.

  Regan watched those shining eyes and that delicio­so now so near body, and threw to laugh. It embraced it and began to revolcar itself in the bed, laughing, while Tra­vis cleared to him with skill which it had left of clothes. Lue­go without separating of her, took off the boots and the hilaridad renewed when porcelain que­brada when landing one heard a strong outbreak de of the boots somewhere.

  Regan let laugh when feeling the kisses of Travis in his shoulder and in its arms. The first passion already had

  past, now could spend more time returning a to explo­rar itself and to be discovered. While the mouth of Travis crossed its body, Regan closed the eyes and it surrendered to his senses. It caressed the arm to him, took it of the hand, took it to the lips and savored those wide fingers that as much to please they gave him. Mordisqueó smoothly the yolks, passed len­gua through knuckles. That one was, without a doubt, the hand of a man: with scars, it lasts, hard, wide, and simultaneously deli­cada and sensible. It bit the palm to him with force, as if it wanted to devour it.

  Travis retired the hand and it caressed the legs to him, masa­jeó and kissed it, until Regan shook the legs with impa­ciencia then again it wished it. When Travis returned to raise the head, Regan attracted it towards himself to kiss it.

  Travis emitted a serious laughter and seductive and it attracted it towards himself, both of flank, faced. It caused that Regan embraced it with legs and moaned when penetrating it. Regan clung to him with force while Travis it manipulated his body and it prolonged the éxtasis during minutes, days, sema­nas, years, a century, and it threw the head backwards, without conscience of whom she was or where she was.

  When Regan began to think that she would become crazy, suddenly Travis made it tend of backs and it even penetrated it with forces that to the aim their bodies found the relief.

  Without a word, exhausted, sudorosos, satiated, they slept the one in arms of the other.

  Regan was first in waking up and it was surprised to see by the window that the sun was put. One stretched, separated to watch a Travis repantigado in the bed and pre­guntó if sometimes it would have something of sanity being with him. In years it had for the first time forgotten completely his responsibilities towards its daughter, her friend and his tra­bajo. With sigilo, for no to wake up it, rose and vis­tió. Before leaving, it kissed the hair of Travis and it covered it with a light blanket.

  In silence, it left the room and one went to it cooks. Brandy had to be asking itself what it had happened to him.

  Travis woke up slowly. For the first time in years it had slept well. With a smile in the lips, vol­vió to watch his wife, but instead of Regan found a pair of solemn eyes that observed it with attention.

  -- Hello -- it said to niñita --. How you are called?

  -- Jennifer Stanr'ord. Who are you?

  Even before hearing the answer. Travis supposed who was that creature. It had certain similar with smaller his herma­no, and the arc of eyebrows were looked much like the one of the mother of both.

  -- Your mother is called Regan?

  The girl agreed seriously.

  Travis was gotten up in the bed and maintained the blanket on himself, also serious.

  -- What you would say if I were your father?

  Jenifer drew up a drawing with the finger in the bedspread.

  -- Perhaps I would like. You are my father?

  -- Creo that it would not mistake to me if it said yes that.

  -- Vivira's with us?

  -- Esperaba that you went to live with me. If you feel to my side, I will tell you where alive. The last year I bought four ponies of the right size for my daughter.

  -- you would let to Me mount pony?

  -- He would be yours to take care of it, to mount it and for which you wanted.

  Jennifer vacillated just a little while and soon it raised bed, far in the beginning, but as Travis pro­seguía with its narration, one went approaching until seating in his knees.

  Thus it found Regan, together, fascinated the one by the other. It was a charming picture.

  As soon as Jennifer saw its mother, began to give brin­cos of joy on the bed.

  —¡He is my papa, and we are going to live with him, and has pony for me, and pigs and chickens and a house in a tree and a pool, and we will be able to go of fishing and everything!

  Regan quickly watched Travis and soon it tended arms to its daughter.

  -- Brandy has the ready supper for you in the kitchen.

  -- Papa can also come?

  -- Tenemos to speak -- Regan with fir­meza --. responded You will be able to see it later... if you eat what you pre­paró Brandy.

  --Lo I will do -- Jennifer promised, and saluted its father with the hand before leaving quickly.

  --Es a beauty -- Travis --. said It could not be more proud...

  Furio­sa stopped when Regan became and it watched it.

bsp; -- I have made something bad?

  -- 6Si you have made something bad? --lo imitate Regan, treating to be contained --. How you dare to say to my daughter that we are going to live with you?

  -- Then clear that you will come, now that I have encon­trado to you. I took a time, is everything.

  -- it was never happened to you that I always knew where you were? At any time in which there was desea­do, it could have returned a you and to that monstruosidad of plantation that you have.

  -- Regan -- Travis said, with voice burdens --, not entien­do by what you left, but I can decirte that you and my daughter you will come to house with me.

  Same --Es for that reason that I left -- talked back Regan --. From that I knew you you said to me what to do and how to do it. I wanted to remain en England, but you que­rías that came to America, then I came to America. Ini­ciaste a ceremony of wedding without at least asking to me if it wanted to marry to me with you. ¡And that plantation! You left me in charge of one hundred people who did everything the possible thing by desa­fiar my authority. And all along you were... outside, persecuting horses with your dear Margo.

  When hearing that last one, Travis smiled.

  -- Jealousy? For that reason you left me?

  Regan raised the hands with exasperación.

  -- He is that you have not heard nothing of which I said? Not quie­ro that you direct my life, nor the one of Jennifer. I do not want that you say to him what to do nor how. I want that it learns to make its own decisions.

  -- Cuantío I prevented you to make a decision? I gave you average plantation so that you did it, and never I interfered. -- But I did not know to take those decisions. You do not understand it? It was much scared, in a strange, full country of strangers who said constantly to me that I did not know to do nothing. ¡It had fear!

  The eyes of Travis shone.

  -- Then, judging by which I heard say, here it has to youdo very well. Here you are not scared of the Americans; why you had it there? I admit that I have hard judges bastan­te working for my, but if here you obtained it, why not there?

  --No I know it -- it responded --. sincerely Here I had to do something or would die of hunger. In your house there would be podi­do to pass the life to me it finds out in my room.