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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Page 20

  -- That is what you did most of the time, if badly nonmemory.

  Regan watched it, surprised, because it did not have idea of that Travis knew what she did during the day. Aca­so he would have idea of the terrified thing that was been those months?

  --Si you began of the anything and you have constructed everything town -- Travis --, continued will not cost to direct my house to you. I have a cart here. We could empacar the clothes of Jennifer and yours and start off morning. Or, better still, marché­monos now. You have clothes in house, and I will buy my daughter all new.

  —¡It is enough! -- Regan --. shouted ¡It finishes right now! Me you hear? You will not direct my life again. I like to have to be able own. I like to decide what I want to do instead of that you or my uncle or Farrell they even take the decisions by me.

  Travis raised the head.

  -- Who is Farrell?

  With displeased expression, Regan responded:

  --El man to whom you threw by the room this tomorrow.

  -- and what has between you? -- it asked, with mira­da penetrating.

  -- Conoci' Farrell in England. In fact, once I was it jeopardize with him, and has come to America to bus­car to me.

  Travis shut up a little while.

  -- to Once you said me that been you had enamored Era of this Farrell?

  Regan was surprised of which it remembered it.

  -- Creo that yes. I felt single and he lent aten­ción to me during a time, and I believed to love it. It was long ago; I was a person very different.

  -- and what you feel now by him?

  -- Now I do not know what I feel by anything During years me it scared by everything, suddenly I was totally single and I had to survive. In last the four years I have not done but that to take countable books and to buy and to sell pro­piedades. Now, suddenly, it appears Farrell and me recuer­da to that rejected girl that I was once, and now you, like always, cause a desire to me immense of tocarte but me aterra that you return to turn to me the llo­rosa girl that I was. You do not understand it, Travis? I cannot return to your plantation so that me annul. The only way to be i myself is to be far from you.

  In spite of its better intentions, one lay down to cry.

  — ¡Damn you are! -- it shouted --. Why you have had to come to alter to me thus? ¡Veto, Travis Stanford! ¡Veto and nun­ca you return a acercarte to me! -- it added, and it left giving


  Travis recostó against the head of the bed and son­rió. When it knew it, it had seen in her as soon as a suge­rencia of the woman who it could get to be, but he was not safe of how it could help to become in that woman. Perhaps Regan was right and the plantation was too much stops she. When one found out of how trata­ba the personnel was on the verge of to whip them to all, but knew that she needed to find her own one outside.

  It closed the eyes and, when thinking about her, it was astonished of woman whom one had become: safe of itself, sensible, with his fulfilled dreams. It had taken something that was little more than a shutdown in way and had constructed

  un prosperous town. An intelligent daughter was servant and sensible. Nobody would have to worry that Jennifer retired to his quarter to cry.

  With a strong guffaw of pure happiness, it threw to side the blanket and began to get dressed; at least his pantalo­nes and its boots they were whole. Although Regan believed to have matured the sufficient thing stops to resist to him, Travis knew that it was not thus. How it was that old proverb? The age and felonía always win to youth and the talent. Pensa­ba to make use to all its resources, all means, to recover it. With decision, left the room, only with its dark trousers and their boots discharges.

  Travis stopped in the opened door of the kitchen, attracted by the aromas that of emanated there. It laughed between teeth when remembering how Regan always had made him per­der the meals. A look threw to room and knew that the curvilinear blonde that was in a corner was Brandy Dutton. It had heard much of her of mouth of granuja that had known in Richmond.

  -- Disculpe -- it said --. aloud It could eat something here? Indeed I am not dressed like having supper in public.

  --Oh, skies -- Brandy by low it exclaimed, son­riendo while desnu­do of Travis openly observed the strong chest and its arms. Travis included/understood that what had said to him of her was truth: Brandy distaba much of being celibate.

  When one recovered, Brandy said;

  Of way that you are the man who is devuel­to color to the cheeks of Regan.

  -- Good, yes I have put color somewhere -- it responded Travis in low voice, so that it heard only Brandy and not the personnel, who they observed without disi­mulo.

  Brandy sent an outburst of laughter and it took it from the arm.

  -- Creo that we will take very well. Now it sién­tese that I will bring something to him to eat. Elsie -- it called by enci­ma of its shoulder --, runs to store and buys a pair of shirts for Mr. Stanford of greatest than ten­ga Will. And not you DES haste. We have much of which to speak.

  Brandy served to Travis a food since it never had proven. The more it ate he, the more it pleased to Brandy. Due to its taita of shirt, to the food and respues­tas of Travis, for the aim of the supper already practically it was enamored with him.

  -- Yes, one feels single -- Brandy in answer said to question of Travis --. The only thing that does is to work. It is as if it wanted to prove something. During years I have tried to convince it that it worked less, but it does not want to know nothing. More works more without rest, buying and. It could to have retired for a year.

  -- there are no men? -- Travis asked, with the full mouth of pie of fruits.

  -- hundreds have tried it, but no obtained nothing with her. Clear that, when one has had the best thing...

  Travis smiled to him, took the new shirt from the endorsement of the chair and was put of foot.

  -- Regan and Jennifer will leave Scarlet Springs and will vol­verán with me. How it will affect that to its society?

  -- Hay a lawyer who finishes arriving from the east, and he it could be in charge of the sale of properties and inver­tir the money. With my part, I would like to travel, perhaps to Europe. It tell me, Regan knows that one will go away of here?

  Travis was limited to smile in such a way that Brandy laughed.

  —¡Good luck! -- it said, while Travis left it cooks.

  During two Regan days ingenió to be avoided a Travis or, at least, to avoid another discussion with him. But nobody could to physically avoid it. Jennifer seemed con­vencida that his father was his exclu­sivo companion of games, and always was together. Travis even assumed

  tarea to wash the long hair and entangled of its daughter, and Regan was limited when seeing that Jennifer did not emit a single one soni­do of pain or protest. It took it to ride and to climb trees, and girl very was impressed by the agili­dad of Travis. Jennifer showed to him all the town, anun­ciando to all which it was his father and that was going to live with he and with its horses.

  Regan made an effort to ignore Travis and of its form to seduce Jennifer, in addition to the innu­merables questions that him people did of the town.

  It had not seen Farrell from the arrival of Travis and, when it reappeared, Regan noticed with surprise that it had not thought about him in those two days.

  -- I can hablarte in private? Farrell asked to him. It seemed tired and he was very dirty, as if it had via­jado during days without to sleep.

  -- Of course. They see my office.

  Once there, Regan closed the door and it became

  towards him.

  -- Parece that you have something important that to say to me.

  Farrell was dropped on a chair and it watched it.

  -- I went to Boston and I returned in two days.

  -- It must of have been a very urgent subject -- it supposed Regan, while it served a drink to him --. I suppose that it has to do with me and with money of my father.

  -- Yes, or at least with the testament of your f
ather. It had a copy filed in the office of a lawyer in Bos­ton. I sent it to do and I sent it to North America a time ago, in case it found you here. It believed to be surely of a point of the testament, but I went to Boston to confirm it. I have here a letter -- it said, to the time that removed on from the inner pocket from his jacket.

  Regan took it and it maintained it a little while

  -- Perhaps you can say to me what says.

  -- Your parents died when eras very small, and perhaps you do not remember it, but in that time the her­mano of your father still lived. it was going to be your tutor and, in fact, you spent months with him, but it died little after your parents.

  - I only remember the mess.they lonathan. ---Si'. it was only relative whom you had left, so that the executor of the testament, that is bank of your parents, put to him to its care. Clear that they did not know what backed water of hom­bre it was.they lonathan. When the testament was written up, your parents thought that you would be out of danger with the brother of your father.

  ---Farrell, please, sees the grain. --Lo that I want decirte, beloved, are that you could not marry without the permission ele your tutor. Perhaps they did not want that you married with cazafortunas: or perhaps they did not want that it happened what to them, because the family of your mother left them without a cent.

  -- That is everything? It must have something more. -- Regan, not it you understand. You married with Travis Stanford without the written permission of your tutor, and you were hardly seventeen years old.

  -- Seventeen? No, it had fulfilled the eighteen did several months.

  In the letter it appears your true date of naci­miento. Your uncle changed the date to be able to marry you before and to obtain the money.

  Stupefied, Regan leaned in the writing-desk. -- You say that my marriage with Travis is not váli­do?

  -- Carece totally gives validity. Eras minor and no you had the permission of your tutor. You are not, nor you never have been, married with nobody, Weston young lady. -- And Jennifer?

  -- Moan to say that he is ilegítima: Clear that, if you returned to marry, your husband could adopt it.

  --No I believe that to Travis it pleased the idea to him that another one it adopted its daughter -- it murmured.

  —¡AI devil with Travis! -- Farrell exclaimed, to tiem­po that one rose of a jump and approached her --. For years I have been wanting to marry to me with me and who I love to you. Pue­des not to blame to me by to have avoided to one chiquilla of dieci­siete years. I suppose that by instinct it had a feeling that not esta­bas list, and you cannot blame not to want to me to marry to me with

  a creature. At least, I did not take you bed to my by the force, like that man who is the father of Jenniler.

  It was interrupted and it took it from the hand.

  -- Cásate with me, Regan. I will be a good and faithful husband. Perhaps I have not loved you the sufficient time? And I will be a good father for Jennifer.

  -- Please, Farrell -- Regan, separating from him --. requested I must think about this. It has been a great surprise to ente­rar to me that during years I have lived in sin with hom­bre. And this could make much damage to Jenniler.

  -- For that reason same... -- it began to talk back Farrcll. but Regan raised a hand and it interrupted it.

  -- Necesito to be single and to think about this. And you -- agre­gó smiling -- you awhile need a bath and rest.

  They spent several minutes until Farrell left and Regan the aim had left single to read documents. Half an hour later, when it finished, Regan smiled. It was truth that never been had married with Travis. How furious would be put when it knew it! In years it was left for the first time to take by one of its ensoñaciones and imagined the reac­ción of Travis when him it said that it did not have any power on her and who, legally, Jennifer was not its daughter. By once in its life it would win to Travis Stanford. She would be one wonderful experience.

  As far as the proposal of Farrell, it discarded it. That idiot thought that Regan really believed in its declarations of love. It wanted to marry then with her before it turned the twenty-three years, then she here­daría the fortune of its parents. Soon it would make him understand that it was determined to make her own life.

  With a smile, it was arranged to write a note stops Travis, in which it invited it to accompany it in an intimate supper that night.

  The private dining room was prepared with tra­gantes stops and candelabra, Viennese glasswork, service of English French table and platería. The wine was German and comi­da, American.

  --Me it cheers that you have returned to your exact ones -- said Travis. while it greased a sponge cake with mantequilla --. Jenniler will be much better if it has friends instead of all these strangers. You always allowed him to walk this way at will? It does not seem to me correct that a creature plays in the corridors of a hotel.

  --Y you have as much experience with the children who, by assumption, you know very well what is good for them -- Regan talked back.

  Travis shrank of shoulders. -- I know the sufficient thing stops to be sure that there is mejo­res sites that this one for a creature. In my house you could spend more time with Jennifer and... -- he smiled -- with nues­tros other children.

  -- Travis -- Regan began, but it interrupted it. --No I can decirte whichever alleviates me that to the aim you have returned to your exact ones. Although, in fact, I supposed that pe­learías more. You have grown more than what I thought.

  -- What? -- Regan exclaimed, choking itself with wine --. That to the aim I returned to my exact? That I have grown? Of what you speak?

  Travis took it from the hand, it caressed the fingers to him and it spoke with deep voice, burdens.

  -- This supper is not a great surprise for me, por­que it knew what you meant to me. --Le kissed the fingers.-- Quiero that you know that I include/understand the difficult thing that it has been for you to make this decision, and I will never use it in your con. You have been very brave and generous when accepting to return with me. So time you wish quedarte in your pueblito a time more, but Jennifer needs something more than to be surrounded by strangers. It needs a home, which I, of course, I can give him. -- Volvio' to kiss the fingers to him.-- you have made a very sensible decision.

  Regan aspired deeply to calm, drank little of wine and it smiled to him.

  —¡You are a vain farmer! -- it said, in friendly tone --. I do not have intentions to return to your house, and my "pueblito", like flames you, are a home for my daughter.

  In spite of its good intentions, it began to raise the voice.

  --No I have invited to you here for decirte that would return with you, as you supposed with your typical arrogance, but for informarte that no I am married with you, nor never have-been.

  This time was Travis that was choked. Regan, by first time in the supper, began to eat. ¡How wonderful era to defeat to Travis!

  It took it by the wrist and it tried to raise it.

  -- What you do?

  -- Supongo that in this town there will be a preacher. It can to marry to us now.

  —¡But it will not do it! And if you do not feel, I can return a to take to Jennifer.

  Travis vacillated but, as a did not want to risk to undergo that punishment, seated.

  -- Cuéntamelo everything -- it said, downcast.

  Regan lost part of its rejoicing when seeing the expression of Travis and, when it said to him that Jennifer was not legally its daughter, was a point to accept to marry with him at that same moment. But the expression of Travis changed when hearing the name of Farrell.

  -- He was that unsuitable one who you said it? -- it asked --. it has taken many annoyances. What has in this for him?

  Regan knew very well that Travis was not to as much of money that she would inherit, money who stops he not signi­ficaría nothing, but stops Farrell was it everything. But, in truth, it did not please the hint to him of which Farrell had another one moti­vo in addition to the love.

-- Farrell wants to marry with me -- it responded with arrogance --. It says that it also loves to me and Jennifer, and quie­re to adopt my daughter.

  --No you would be so idiot -- Travis with presun­ción --. talked back What woman would want to debilucho like him?

  The implicit end of that question was "when it could "have to somebody like I.

  Regan watched it with fury and responded, almost in a shout:

  -- Farrel is a horseman. It knows to make feel to one woman like a lady. A way knows to court ele... exquisite. You, Americans, only know to demand.

  Travis snorted.

  -- Any American can court better than English debilucho.

  --Oh, Travis -- Regan said, with a smile sere­na --. You you do not know anything of that. Your idea to seduce a woman consists of dragging it by the hair.

  -- Then often you like that she dragged to him -- it talked back. Regan lost serenity.

  -- smooth ele is an example your grosería of colono.

  --Y you, my beloved, are English a presumptuous one. You said that your birthday is in three weeks. Then, that day you married with me, and you will do it by your own will.

  Said that, it left the room, and it did not reach to hear to Regan to exclaim: "¡Never!"

  On the following day, very early, Regan was in his office when Brandy with piles arrived from noveda­des. First it accused it because Travis had left the previous night and not yet returned. After to leave in cla­ro its opinion (that Regan was mistaken), noticed that one to him high woman and pelirroja that had been registered maña­na and asked for his fiancè, Mr. Travis Stanford.

  --Me it seems that you are in problems -- concluded Brandy, with a sigh.

  —¡What good! -- Regan responded, in tone fatiga­do --. Right what I need. It is that nobody realizes the difficult thing that is to direct a hotel like this? I have traba­jo of several days piled up in my writing-desk and, a intention, Farrell already has informed to me into the game of Travis and before he, me my daughter has said to it. I am sure that Farrell much more must say to me, but it is probable that Jennifer does not return to say a single word in my it is present at. However, pelirroja cannot be other than my dear friend Margo Jenkins. Dame minutes for preparar­me and I will be able to order to me of her.