Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Page 23
—¡Roses for my! -- Jennifer --. shouted ¡Papi has sent to me roses to me also!
Regan noticed that her daughter seemed to be looking for a somebody with the glance and, with a fast look, saw that Timmie Watts it hid after the skirt of his mother. With a fault feeling, Regan removed to at sight boy of Jennifer, that removed the language immediately to him and it threw one to him rose. In order to appease its conscience, Regan asked Timmie if it would like to walk next to pony of Jennifer in the parade, and the boy accepted of good he wins.
Saluting with joy and certain majesty, Jennifer rode by the street towards the South limit of Scarlet Springs. Back more men and women, some came a
foot, others to horse, all with strange suits and glad, followed by a metal band of seven members. At the end of the parade more clowns came, than they brought cálleles who announced that in two hours more there would be a function gratis of the circus, courtesy of the Jennifer young lady Stanford.
When the last person disappeared in the curve of way, beyond the church, people remained a momento in silence.
-- Creo that will be better than follows with my work -- it said to aim a man.
-- What clothes are used to go to a circus? -- one asked woman.
-- Regan -- somebody --, said when you go away, this town it will die of boredom.
A quickly choked giggle that only could be of Brandy made become to Regan.
-- What you think that it is planning Travis now?
-- Llegar at me through Jennifer -- Regan --. responded At least, I hope that that is everything what planea. Let us enter; we have to prepare to us. We will close the hotel, we will put in the door a poster that that says fuimos to the circus, and all will be able to go.
-- Wonderful idea. I will take food for us and stops average town, and we will be ready in the time that has given Travis us.
The two hours happened quickly, and after which him they seemed minutes, Regan was leading a cañeta loaded of food towards the circus. They had armed to a great store holding the canvas to the trees and posts. They had placed long wood banks, those of the bottom higher than those of ahead, and most of these already estaban occupied by the people of town. In a central section there was a great separated space by tapes pink and orange that was rocked with the breeze.
-- you are thinking where you will seat? -- Brandy asked, laughing, when seeing the doubtful expression of Regan --. We go, cannot be so bad as you imagine it.
The young person of the fitted pink suit lead to Regan and a Brandy until the section demarcated by tapes and left them
there. Few minutes two horses entered everything galope. On them a man came, with a foot in each caballo. When arriving at end of the track, the man jumped on a horse, rotated to both and, again to galope, it began to jump from one to another one.
—¡Skies! -- Brandy exclaimed.
After that, they did not have time to think, then the track began to fill of horses. The horses realizaban tests, and the men on them. Hombres of foot were two on two horses, and third on the hombros of both first, while the horses ran in circle by the track.
When the riders left, Jennifer entered track mounted in his pony, that was lead by the young person dressed rose. Jennifer wore to position an identical suit, with certain brightness golden here and there. Regan observed with the heart in the mouth how the woman took the hand from Jennifer, that was put of foot on the mount and, slowly, crossed puts in a home track.
—¡Siéntate! it ordered Brandy to him when Regan trató of to go towards its daughter --. She cannot fall from very high, and the woman maintains it.
Then the woman loosen the hand of Jennifer, that she exclaimed:
—¡Mírame, mami!
Regan was on the verge of desmayar itself, especialmente when Jennifer jumped and the woman received it in her brazos. Jennifer did several reverences like, obvious, had taught to him, and all Scarlet Springs it applauded more to not being able. The girl ran towards her mother, and Regan abrazó with force.
-- How I was? I have done it well?
-- You have been splendid. You almost kill to me of the scare.
Jennifer seemed pleased when hearing that.
-- Espera until you see papi.
Regan took a little while in calming to its acelerado heart and when it could return to speak, it did not have time to ask for Travi.s, then once again the elephant comenzó to march past before them. The clowns did more tests
that they made laugh to all, and the osito danced. But everything tiempo Regan looked for Travi.s.
The band had not let touch, and now it initiated a strange music that caused that all shut up.
--Y now, ladies and horsemen -- a man announced good looking that wore to a red jacket and shining boots negras --, them we presented/displayed an act that it defies to the death.
-- Our next acrobat will walk by cuerda loose... without network. If it falls... good, already they can imagine it.
-- Creo that this I will not like -- Regan said, levantando the Vista towards the cord tended between two high posts --. Perhaps it must go to me and to take to Jennifer.
The Brandy expression changed.
-- Perhaps you must quedarte, Regan -- it said, in a tone stranger.
Regan followed the Brandy glance and, in the beginning, no it believed what saw.
Travis entered the track, with an arm in stop, as if it had always worked in a circus. The suit that llevaba of black cotton, fitted like one second skin, it emphasized great muscles of his thighs, small and hard his nalgas, and its wide and strong chest. Of its shoulders it hung a flat covered black layer in red. With a ceremonious gesture, it threw it to one beautiful woman dressed hardly in a tiny flat suit green.
--No is to be strange that that man returns to you crazy -- Brandy observed.
-- What devils do there? -- Regan exclaimed, atónita --. No he will be as idiot as it stops...
It could not continue, because they sounded trompetas and Travis, with calm, it began to raise by the unstable stairway of cords until tiny platform.
—¡That is my papi! ¡That is my papi! -- Jennifer shouted, jumping on the duro wood seat.
Regan could not move. It did not blink, his pulmones they did not work, until its heart let annoy mientras observed Travis on the platform.
When it reached it, it returned to greet the multitude and all applauded con.estusiasmo. Soon one took place
complete silence when Travis initiated its slow and cuidadosa one long walk by the cord, with one releases twig in the hands. It seemed that it passed one eternity until it arrived at the other end.
The applause exploded and Regan sank the face in hands, with lightening tears.
-- Avísame when it is down -- it requested to Brandy. Brandy strangely it was shut up.
-- Brandy? -- Regan said. spying among the fingers. The espresión of its friend made return to raise it the Vista towards Travis. It was standing in the platform, mirando to Regan with calm, apparently waiting for something. When she watched it, Travis hooked something to the post of platform and another thing to the wide black leather belt that wore.
--Va to return to walk by the cord -- Brandy --. whispered But at least this time will use a seguridad cable. Travis already had advanced approximately a meter by the cord when all realized which was in fact its "cable of security". Slowly the flag began a to unfold. The first word that saw was "Regan" and, after to have seen that frase hundreds of times in the last days, did not need that nobody read it by them.
—¡Regan! -- they read to the unisonous one.
Later it came: "You want". Each word it sounded more more hard and and, finally, when Travis arrived at plataforma opposed, they returned to read it all together ones. It would not have left to them better if they had practiced during weeks.
—¡Regan! You want to marry with me? -- they read to unisonous.
Regan blushed of feet to head.
-- What s
ays, mami? -- cuantío asked to Jennifer muds a his around they lay down to laugh.
Regan did not respond from fear of which it could say.
One final refused to watch Travis, that estaba lowering by the stairway of cords between vítores, aplausos and general hilaridad.
--Me I go to house -- Regan finally --. whispered Please, encárgate of Jennifer.
With the high forehead, it left the reserved section, it happened in front of the multitude and it left there. People him "rilaba, but she them she ignored and one went to foot to the hotel.
It used its key to enter its rooms and pensó that perhaps never it would leave there more, except for perhaps escabullir itself of the town some night and not to return to see anybody of Scarlet Springs.
A note was not surprised when finding on its pillow written in heavy paper ivory, lira a grabada, delicate invitation and expensive, from Travis Stanford, to have supper that night to nine. On the foot escrito was a message by hand, that said that it would happen through her to eight cuarenta and five.
One felt totally defeated. It knew that nothing could to do but to accept. If one refused, perhaps Travis would cause that its elephant demolished the door, or would arrive mounted in him? Regan was prepared for any thing that same Travis could imagine.
Nobody bothered the rest at night, and thanked for a who had been in charge to arrange such phenomenon. It had already had enough in the last days.
Exactly to eight and forty and the five, llamaron a the door. AI to open it, found to Travis, elegant dressed in a jacket of clearer dark green color and pantalones green. It smiled to him and it threw look to bonito dressed silk color peach that wore.
-- You are prettier than ever -- it said, to the time that him it offered the arm.
As soon as Regan touched it, pardoned it. It had desire of to occur a kick for that reason, but all its frustration and its wrath, all its desires to kill it, they left it right away.
Something navigated, leaned a little while against him. it took from the chin and it watched it at the eyes. Without leaving of mirarla, one inclined and it kissed smoothly.
--Te I have missed -- it whispered.
Soon it smiled and it lead it towards a pretty car stops two people.
--Oh. Travis -- he was everything what Regan could say while it seated to his side, before which Travis laughed in seductive form and put in he marches the horses.
It was one night clear, warm, illuminated by the moon, tragante and night love song. It was almost as if Travis had ordenado one night thus. After the last days, Regan did not have idea of which it hoped of him, but it was not what saw when they stopped.
Next to the stream, on the grass, there was a blanket of velvet with fibers golden and, on this one, many cojines of blue color dark and gilded. There was crystal glasses, porcelain plates and food of aroma delicious, everything surrounded by candles protected by opaque glass globes of pink tone. It was an unreal, almost celestial scene.
-- Travis... -- Regan whispered when it helped to lower it --. It is beautiful.
Travis lead it towards the cushions and it helped it to acomodar itself in a comfortable position. Soon botella of champaña opened one cold. When Regan it had his drink, Travis complied with a face on the cushions that were in front of her.
-- Travis, you are wounded?
-- Until the last damn bone -- it responded, almost in moaned --. In my life I never worked as much as in these last days. I hope that you do not need that it follows cortejándote.
Regan was agape and was on the verge of to respond to him, but however drank I suck of champaña, treating about no to choke itself.
--No, I believe that already you have courted to me enough -- it said with seriousness --. It is more, I believe that nobody more in the town will need it -- it added.
--No you follow with the subject noticed Travis to him, mientras one complied better, with a face of pain --. Dame something to eat, you want?
Order, thought Regan, but it smiled and it filled a plate with hot, roasted chicken cold, sauce and a pudding of rice and carrots.
-- It was difficult to learn to walk by the cord?
In three days, yes. With a pair of days more, it would have been able to do it without that twig.
-- You could haberte taken another day -- it suggested dulcemente.
-- and darte time with that English pomposo. Bats-ford? A intention, that is been doing lately?
-- Temo that been too much I have occupied for fijarme in that.
Travis smiled with presumption and recostó against cushions rendering attention to its food.
--Me I will cheer when you go to house with me and pueda to eat with regularity. Lately I have been comiendo with a hand and writing with the other.
-- Writing? Ah, yes, asked to me if you had written the notes personally.
-- Who would propose marriage more to you? Good -- it said, smiling, when seeing the expression of Regan --. Quise not to say that, and you know it. Think that to Jennifer it liked the circus?
--Le enchanted. Between pony and the roses, I believe that you made the girl happiest of the world.
Travis seemed extasiado.
--No knew if it could bring that damn elephant a time. ¡What so enormous animal! Good looking to that it left to suficiente installment for more of two hectares of maize. It was thinking about taking a little to house to see what result gives. Clear that the best thing is the hen installment, but of that not it can remove much. Perhaps this elephant...
The outburst of laughter of Regan was interrupted when hearing. It watched it entrecerrando the eyes and soon it separated the Vista, ignorándola completely.
-- Travis, will have been sometimes somebody like you in this world?
Travis yawed an eye to him and it smiled to him.
---Estuve well in the cord, right? Now dame piece of that pie. Think that Brandy will want to come to cook for us?
Regan did not respond while it cut the pie. In last days, Travis had proposed him marriage
thousands of times, but never fell to face, and it was not had mass-side in waiting for an answer. And it had never said to him that it loved it.
It gave the pie to him and I choose:
-- Creo that Brandy wants to make other things, but I am safe of being able to find a cook better than your Malvina.
Travis laughed between teeth and proved a pie piece.
-.....It made you spend a short while badly.truth? Ours vieja cook died six years ago and Margo brought to us to Malvina. To me never it caused to me problems, but had certain rubbing with Wes. You could haberte freed of her, you know?
-- That I will do -- Regan responded, with a brightness in eyes --. I am anxious to do it.
Travis kept silence therefore time that Regan I watch. To the light of the moon, surely it was an optical illusion, but its eyes they seemed humid. It could not be, because in Regan essence it finished saying to him that volvería with him.
--Me it cheers to hear that -- it said to the aim; soon it smiled for himself and it returned to its pie --. Wes can ayudarte with which you need while I am in the field.
-- Creo that I will be able to fix them. How it is Wes? It happens long time in the house?
--Es a good boy; sometimes a little obstinate, and I have that to lower to him a little the smoke, but in general it helps me.
Regan dealed with not smiling.
-- Quieres to say that it express its opinion and dares a to differ with you, and you... you arrive at the puñetazos?
-- Ves this?-- Travis said, to the defensive, señalando a tiny scar that it had in chin --. My hermanito did me, of way that you do not have why to speak as if he took those to lose.
-- and to me you will raise the hand to me when a dares to dissent?
-- Never you have been in agreement with me, and never you I struck. It continues giving children me like Jennifer, and you will always please to me. Now let us return: I need to
-- to Only interest you the children who I give him? -- it asked Regan seriously.
The only answer was moaning, although Regan did not know if it had to the question or to sore muscles.
-- Déjalo -- I choose Travis when Regan began to gather plates --. Later somebody will come to gather everything.
They were directed towards the car.
-- how many people you contracted in these days? And how you opened my strong box?
Without contemplations, Travis raised and depositó to it on the seat.
--Un man must have its secrets. You contaré when we turn fifty years of married. Reuniremos to our twelve children and we will tell the history them of the most enterprising, creative declaration and romántica of the world.
And we will speak to them of the elephant installment?, Regan thought, but it did not say anything, and they started up towards the town.
When arriving at the door of Regan, Travis yawned, him it kissed the hand and one went to which Regan supposed that it would be his room. Stupefied, perplex, Regan remained of foot next to its bed, watching the door closed.
After all what it had made him happen, después of all those proposals of marriage, it had taken it of picnic to light of the moon, without mentioning at any moment the marriage and speaking of elephant installment, and had left in its dormitory without siquiera a kiss it of good night. In all the night it had not touched it, not even seemed conscious of its proximity nor of which it wished so much it. Clear that it had disimulado well its feelings, knew it, but he also had to feel to less something of passion or certain desire. Perhaps for him it was sufficient to do love once every four years. After all, Travis already had enough age; it would be about thirty and eight years old already. Perhaps to that age hombres...
Regan began to undress. When it had been put dress, had imagined to Travis clearing it to it. Perhaps he did not want to marry with a impúdica. ¡If! ¡That had to be! Always it had thought that they were house
two. and knowing that they were not it... No. either they were married mud the time that happened in the boat.
I felt) in the bed and one took off the shoes and averages. So it sees Travis only it was tired, as there was saying, and did not have energies to dedicate to her that night. A simple nightgown was put of cotton, happened to see its daughter, that it slept, and it lay down in his enormous bed, Would go and vacia.