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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Page 24

  One hour later followed wakes up and knew that that night could not sleep, not while it was in a bed and Travis in another one.

  —¡To the devil with its fatigue! -- it exclaimed aloud to time that threw to a side the blankets.

  En its wardrobe never had something there was usa­do, a Brandy gift. It was a dressing gown of white silk, sua­ve, almost it is transparent and so escotada that it left little libra­do to the imagination. pechera consisted of very few centimeters of fabric on a tape of flat target, and those few centimeters so were fitted that they emphasized chests of Regan over the fabric.

  -- it will be tired, but I doubt that he is dead -- said, smiling, when watching itself at the mirror. A layer was put and raised the stairs towards quarter of Travis.

  Travis was standing in the center of its room, smiling for himself, with a glass of oporto in the hand, cuan­do Margo entered and gave portazo. The smile of Travis disappeared right away.

  -- Vete ordered --. to him Regan will arrive at any time.

  —¡That ramera! -- siseó Margo --. ¡Travis, makes sick to me! You know the ridiculous situation that you have done days in the last? All the town es ***reflx mng itself of you. They never saw a man who did (antas trivialities.

  --Ya you have said what you had to say. Now it vetoes -- Travis said coldly.

  --No I have said nor half. In the last days I have for­mulado many questions and, reason why I have found out, not even you know who is that woman. Why it would have to marry

  contigo, an idiot and "American rosero? You are orgullo­so of that plantation that you have, but you knew that your peque­ña Regan could to buy it without much effort?

  It hoped to see how the news took Travis. Tra­vis not even it blinked; only it watched it with displeasure.

  -- It is worth million -- Margo --. continued And it will have them next week. It can have to nobody hom­bre that it wishes; why it would have of to marry with granje­ro American "'

  Travis followed without speaking.

  Perhaps -- yes you knew it -- Margo --. said Perhaps siem­pre you knew and for that reason you are arranged to make so much ridí­culo to obtain it. The men make any thing to obtain that money.

  It could not say more. Travis took it by the hair and it made throw the head backwards.

  -- Vete ordered to him, with voice burdens --. And it requests that never return to verte -- it added, and it pushed it towards puer­ta. Margo recovered almost to moment.

  -- Travis requested to him, throwing on him and abrazán­dolo --. You do not know how much I love to you? I always loved to you, since we were young. You always have be mine. Ever since tra­jiste to house and you said that she was your wife, I died little every day. And now this... all this stupidity by her, and not entien­do by what. It never has wanted to you. It left to you, pear I always I have been with you, always close when you needed to me. I cannot compete with its money, but pue­do darte love if you leave me. It is on the awares, Travis and míra­me. It sees how much I love to you.

  Travis separated from if the arms of Margo and mantu­vo at a distance.

  -- you never loved to me. The only thing that you wanted was my plantation. For years I have known that you are become indebted. I have often helped you, but I will not help you to the point to marry to me with you.

  It said it in smooth tone, and it was obvious that not him agra­daba to see disintegrate itself it of that way.

  When Regan opened the door in silence, esperan­do to see sleepy Travis and to lie down with him, saw it with Margo,

  mirando it tenderly, it turned on its heels and it threw to run.

  Travis dropped to Margo and left after Regan.

  Regan knew that never it would manage to arrive at his room before Travis, so that it proved the third door before hers: the one of the room of Farrell.

  Travis managed to grasp the layer of right Regan when it entered, and it remained with the layer in the hand while oía to turn the key in the lock.

  -- Regan? -- I choose Farrell. with the expanded eyes, while it ignited a candle, one put the trousers with haste and one rose, all at the same time --. You seem ate­rrada.

  With the awares very been on, Regan leaned against door, shaken.

  -- Margo and Travis -- he was everything what could say. To moment separated from the door of a jump when something pesa­do struck it. To following blow, the boot of Travis atrave­só the wood, and soon its hand opened the door. It crossed the room in two great strides and grasped the arm of Regan.

  --Ya I have had sufficient games -- it said --. This time you go a to obey to me, you want it or no.

  —¡A little while! -- Farrell took part, treating to take arm of Travis.

  Travis watched it of above at down, it discarded and vol­vió towards Regan.

  -- Tienes twenty-four hours to empacar, and later us we will march. We will marry in my house.

  Regan separated from him.

  -- and Margo will be in our wedding? Or perhaps pre­fieres to spend with her our night of weddings?

  -- When we arrive at house you can have all attacks of jealousy that you want, but already I am very of cami­nar by the cord loose and to look for all those pink malditas that you seem to need, and no I think to continue tolerating this. If it is necessary, I will chain you to my bed, but that does not fit to you doubt that you and my daughter you will live with me.

  A little was appeased.

  -- Regan, I have done everything what I could for demostrarte that you love to me. Not yet you include/understand it?

  -- I?-- it exclaimed --. That I love to him? I never have doubted it. Eras you who were uncertain. Never me amas­te. The first time you had to marry you with me. You had...

  One stopped and it watched Travis, incredulous.

  Travis trastabilló backwards and its hands fell a its sides, inert. , completely without information pale, it looked for pun­to of support gropingly. It seemed to age ten years in a second when dropping itself heavy on one chair.

  -- That I had to marry to me with you?-- it murmured, with weak voice and it snores --. That he was uncertain? That I never loved to you?

  For a moment it sank the face between the hands and when it returned to watch it, its eyes were blushed.

  --Te master from the first day in which I saw you -- it said in voice low --. Why, if no, it would have mattered to me what it happened to you? Eras so young and so you were scared... and I was scared of perderte.

  Its voice received force.

  -- For which devils there would be dangerous my life to bor­do of that boat to save that boy, Wainwright, that as much pleased to you? You know how many desire had of arrojar­lo by the hut? But I did not do it because you it you wanted. And you say that never it loves to you...

  It was put of foot; it began to get upset.

  --Y I notice to you that you are not first that it has son mine. I did not have to marry to me with you.

  -- But you said that always you married with the mother of your children. I thought... -- Regan said, between tears. Tra­vis raised the hands with exasperación.

  -- you were scared and furious; not even you knew that you went to rely a baby. What had to say I? That I have a son ilegítimo in house? That her mother tried to deman­dar to me not to marry to me with her?

  -- You... you could have said that you loved to me.

  Travis was calmed.

  -- Jure' before witnesses that would love you by the rest of my life. What plus could do?

  Regan under I watch the hands.

  -- Nunca me has propuesto marriage... personally.

  -- That never I proposed marriage to you?-- rugió Travis --. Curse, Regan! What but you want of me? I have made the ridiculous situation in front of everything a state, and you say...

  It was interrupted. One knelt down before her and it joined hands.

  -- Regan, you want to marry with me? Please. I love to you more than to my own life. Please, cásate con­migo.

  Regan supported a hand in t
he shoulder of Travis.

  -- and Margó -- it whispered.

  Travis tightened the teeth, but it responded:

  -- It could to me have married with her for years, but never I have wanted to do it.

  -- Why me you did not say it?

  -- Why you did not understand it without you it said it? -- it talked back --. I love to you. You will marry with me?

  —¡Yes! -- Regan exclaimed, and it embraced --. I will marry with you for always.

  Neither it became aware of which ocu­rría his around, and they were surprised when they heard the applause.

  Regan sank the face in the neck of Travis.

  -- Hay much people? -- it asked, with fear.

  -- Temo that yes -- Travis --. responded I suppose that they heard when you closed the door to me.

  Regan not even was bothered in correcting it, in decir­le that the noise had produced it its boot when doing peda­zos the door and not she when turning the key.

  -- Quieres to remove to me from here?-- it whispered --. I do not believe that it can to watch the face to them.

  Triumphant, Travis was put of foot with Regan in his arms and went to the door. The people of the town, and inclu­so the guests of the hotel, several of which had pro­longado their stay when arriving first rose of Travis, felt involved in that romance and had arrived running at the first wood outbreak.

  The women, with heavy dressing gowns and rizadores in cabe­llo, they sent a deep sigh while Travis lle­vaba to Regan.

  -- Sabi'a that it would have a happy end -- said one of them --. How it has been able to reject it?

  --Mi it never handcuffs will think to me when is counted it -- it said a man --. To perhaps it pardons me to return three days later.

  -- You are an idiot if accounts this to your wife -- it snorted another --. We would have to make a pact and to keep the secret, or all the women of country will hope that we court them thus. I, as for me, do not think to walk by none cuer­da, by no woman of the world. I will say to him to my wife that I happened these three days with another woman; pro­blemas will bring less to me -- it concluded, and it returned towards the dormitory of men.

  In the long run, people decided to return to the bed, and they frightened when Farrell closed of a blow which que­daba of its door.

  During several minutes, Farrell did not let curse a North America, to the North Americans and the women in general. Those two they had ignored, saying menti­ras of enamored as if he not even it was in the room. When remembering all the money that it had spent in his search of Regan and in courting it, began more to poner­se and more furious. Without embargo, she accepted to a ani­mal that demolished doors, to a stupid idiot one to who all con­sideraban an idiot. ¡That woman was crazy!

  And it belonged to him to him, to Farrell Batsford. It had been to­mado much work to obtain its money, and pen­saba not to occur by won immediately neither the more.

  Quickly, a dressing gown was put and was in search of Margo. It knew that it would not take lightly the that public humiliation. Perhaps two could plan something.

  -- Miran, Travis -- Regan murmured, caressing the leg of Travis with hers. The sun of the dawn gave a golden tone to its skin.

  --No you begin again noticed Travis to him --. Ano­che you almost left me annotated.

  -- Then it does not seem that everything has been exhausted you -- it talked back, laughing; it kissed the neck to him and one moved against him.

  -- It will be better than you behave, if you do not want to give badly example to your daughter. Good morning, affection -- it saluted. Regan separated just on time, then Jenniíer gave to a jump and ate­rrizó on the belly of Travis.

  —¡You have returned, papi! -- it exclaimed --. ¿.I can mount to my pony today? We can go again to the circus? Me ense­ñarás to walk by the cord?

  In place of the circus, what seems to him to go to house con­migo? I do not have an elephant, but many others anima­les and a hermanito.

  -- Wesley knows that you speak him that? him pregun­tó Regan, but Travis ignored it.

  -- When we can go? -- Jennifer asked its mother.

  -- In two days? -- Regan, watching at Tra­vis --. suggested I have much to do.

  -- Now, my love -- Travis --, responded sees kitchen a to have breakfast. We lower in a while. I want to speak with your mother.

  -- To speak? -- Regan asked when they were solo, rubbing against him --. I like much our "conversations".

  Travis separated it from himself, seriously in the eyes.

  -- Hablaba in serious, when I said that it wanted to speak with you. I want to know who you are and what you did in nightgown in the port of Liverpool the night that I found you.

  -- Preferiri'a to speak of that in another occasion -- res­pondió Regan, with all the lightness that could demonstrate --. I have much to do.

  Travis attracted it towards himself.

  -- Escúchame. I know that what it happened to you is very dolo­roso. I have not insisted on that since we left Ingla­terra, but now am here, and you are out of danger. I will not leave anything makes damage, and I want to you to know it everything on you.

  They spent several minutes until Regan could speak.

  Against its will, it began to remember that night in which it had known Travis and its previous life. During years it had been it frees, it had known other people, it had seen how they lived, and now it saw the prison in which it had passed his childhood.

  -- Creci' with one lacks absolute of freedom -- comen­zó, in the beginning without emotion, but when thinking about the way in that they had treated it in their childhood, more was put more and


  Travis did not hurry it at any moment; only it embraced, protected with his arms and their body, while she related everything its history. It spent a long short while until it arrived at the night in which it had heard conspiracy of Farrell and its uncle. Travis did not say a word, but its arms they afe­rraron it with more force.

  Regan continued relating to Travis which felt then by him, how it scared it and, at the same time, how it clung a he, oscillating between its necessity to demonstrate to its own value and its desire of to protect itself in the force of him. It told everything him what it had felt in the plan­tación and a little that scared kid laughed, teme­rosa to issue orders his own crew members.

  It finished with the history of how it had abando­nado it, of the signs that had left, of much that had cried when seeing that he no it looked for it.

  --Yo haberte helped in house could -- Travis said when Regan concluded --. But it knew that it would have mo­lestado to you. The day that came Margo, when you burned the hand, I had desire to kill Malvina.

  Regan watched it.

  --No had idea that you had found out that.

  -- I am to as much of most of which it happens in my plantation -- it responded --. Sincerely, ayudarte did not know how. It knew that you had that to learn to ayudarte

  to same you.

  -- Always you are right, my adored husband?

  -- the face asked to Regan, caressing to him.

  -- Always. And I hope that you remember it and that, of aho­ra in ahead, you obey to me in everything.

  Regan directed its sweeter smile to him. -- I think contradecirte all along. Whenever me DES an order, I...

  It was interrupted when Travis kissed it with force. Soon it pushed it so that one rose.

  -- Levántate, vístete and see see that Brandy prepares sufficient food for my breakfast. It received a pillow in the face. -- Acabo of decirte that I am rich and not even beams a single commentary. To many men they would like to have my money between the hands.

  Travis observed the naked body of Regan and son­rió slowly.

  -- I am watching what I like to have between

  hands. As far as your money, you can pay that circus that

  you wanted, and what it is, you can give it ours children.

  -- the circus that I wanted? -- it exclaimed --. All that

sp; it was idea yours.

  -- You wanted that she courted to you. —¡Indeed! ¡Your it forms to court was most exaggerated, clumsy and inept that has seen! Any English would have done it better.

  Without altering themselves, Travis recostó on the pillow.

  -- But I obtained that you came to this room with

  a transparent dressing gown, almost requesting to me that it did to you

  love, so that, apparently, I do not have so been badly.

  Regan was agape a little while, and soon

  it threw to laugh while one got dressed.

  -- You are insuffrable. I bring the breakfast to the bed, or you prefer a private dining room?

  -- Thus a good girl speaks. It tries to follow thus. I create that I will eat in the kitchen; only asegúrate of which there is much food.

  Regan left the room, still laughing; and Travis it asked how it would have to pay that last comenta­rio. But, it did what Regan did, the life with her would be wonderful. It was worth all the pain that she had been in the last years old.

  Slowly, satisfied, it began to get dressed.

  Use day, most of the people of the town happened through hotel to congratulate to Regan by its future wedding and to take leave of her, then they knew that pron­to would leave very. Unlike which Margo thought, nobody thought that Travis was an idiot. To the women it seemed to them mara­villosamente romantic, and to the men it pleased the way to them in which it looked for what wanted.

  To mid-morning, Regan was buried until work ears. A servant complained which a spot had encon­trado of red of a strange color in jue­go of sheets and all they seemed to complain about a thing or another one. Or perhaps outside the imagination of Regan, caused by sadness that it caused to him to leave the hotel that had cons­truido with Brandy.

  -- You are sad, right? Travis asked to him, approaching from back.

  Regan not yet was had customary to the acute one perception of that man. Before it had not been perca­tado of which it had so much conscience of his necesida­des and its problems, and now astonished its sensibi­lidad to it.