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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Page 6

  But its anger left it when Travis threw it on the bed with as much force that Regan sank in the mattress of pens until touching the base of entrela­zadas cords. When returning to the surface, it took air, separated cabe­llo from the face and watched Travis, that was more furious that never.

  It did not give time to speak him.

  -- Sabes how I found you? -- it said, with the teeth tightened, the tense muscles of the jaw and the hands in hips --. I contracted men so that you would reco­rrieran the port and they informed to me when algu­na took place commotion. It knew that you would appear sooner or later and that, when you did it, they would be all on you. --Se incli­nó towards her and gruñó:-- You lasted more than what hoped. What you did? You hid somewhere?

  When observing the face of Regan, saw that it was in certain. It raised the hands with frustration while pa­seaba with great strides by the room.

  What devils I will make with you? I have encerrarte stops protegerte of same you. It is that you do not have idea of how is the world? I warned to you what would happen if you left here, but you did not believe to me. No, you had to arrive at extre­mo from almost hacerte to violate and, perhaps, to kill. The first time that I found you, they persecuted the men, and now, by your fault, it has returned a Perhaps to happen, you thought that the second time would be dife­rente?

  Maintaining the superior part of its dress, Regan it played with the velvet of the skirt Had the mind ocu­pada in dealing with to forget what finished happening to him, of which it seemed only one of its dreams.

  --Yo I thought that as were dressed how a lady they no... -- it murmured.

  -- What? -- rugió Travis, and soon was dropped in one chair --. It is not possible that somebody can believe, to really believe...

  It was interrupted and it watched it, so small, perhaps without per­catar itself of which it shook, with a long scratch in meji­lla; and it returned to feel that possession.

  --No is nothing else necessary to speak. Tomorrow you march to you with me to America.

  —¡No! -- Regan exclaimed, raising head --. I cannot. I must remain in England. This it is my home.

  -- Quieres a home where they attack to you whenever go out? You want a repetition of which it happened today?

  -- This is not true England -- it insisted --. It has beautiful people and full places of love and friendship and...

  -- and what? -- Travis with hardness --. asked Dine­ro? money is the only difference between the dreg of outside and the nobility there who you seem to adore, same noble­za that threw to the street to a creature innocent like you. To me it seems to me that beautiful people that you know do not have anything that to criticize to those who does awhile they dealed with arran­carte the clothes.

  Slowly, great tears began formar­se in the eyes of Regan. When this one raised the Vista, Tra­vis saw its sadness. She it thought that it needed its dreams, needed to believe in the love and the beauty, it needed something that compensated the emptiness of its life.

  Travis did not understand exactly what happened through mind of Regan, but saw its pain, and those lágri­mas debilitated it. To moment, seated to its side in the bed and it surrounded it in its arms, treating to protect it of the painful memories that harassed it.

  -- America you will like said to him smoothly, caressing to him hair --. People are good and honest, and there you will please. I will present/display a Virginia means and soon you will have more friends than ever.

  -- Friends? -- Regan, clinging to Tra­vis murmured. Hardly it began to include/understand much that

  it had affected the experience that finished suffering. Still it had the impression that its body were eager hands mainly.

  --No you imagine all people wonderful that there is in America. I have a hermanito, Wesley, to which sure him encan­tarás and in addition, they are Clay and Nicoie. Nicole is fran­cesa and French speech at a speed incredible.

  -- She is pretty? -- Regan asked, with disdain.

  -- Almost as much as you -- it responded Travis, sonrien­do and caressing hair to him --. When I left esta­ba on the verge of having a baby. Now already it must be several days old. Clear that it already has to the twin ones.

  -- Twin?

  Travis laughed, it separated it from him and it wiped the tears to him with the end of the fingers.

  -- Not yet you understand that I will take to America, it does not stop castigarte nor because I like to kidnap kids, but because I do not have alternative? There is no another thing that can do with you.

  Those words, whose intention was to tranquilize it, pronouncing to the way of Travis, that always called to the things by his name, had the opposite desired effect in Regan. Their uncle and Farrell had to him said similar things. It was tired of being a load for all.

  —¡Déjeme to raise to me! it demanded to him, to the time that pushed it.

  -- What devils it happens now?

  Regan turned the head and tried to bite the hand of Travis that was on its shoulder. Travis returned to empu­jar it towards the mattress and the hand rubbed.

  --No I understand to you. Hardly one hour ago I saved to you life, and now that I say to you in the best possible form that it interests to me your well-being, you put yourself furious with me. Real­mente I do not understand to you.

  -- To understand to me? -- Regan exclaimed, throwing chis­pas by eyes --. It would not have had to flee if you had not had me prisoner, and of not to have been by you, you would not have needed whom they rescued to me. In certain way, I was saved of you and for you.

  Perplex; Travis was agape. -- Perhaps your mind it always works thus? Takings ten different ways to always arrive where you want? -- Supongo that that is an American expression whose intention is to disguise its lack of logic. The fact is that you have prisoner to me, and I demand that it releases -- repli­có to me, with the crossed arms and separating the Vista from its inter­locutor.

  The wrath of Travis soon became laughter, that it made an effort to contain. It was as it was the concept that had Regan of logic, distaba of the true one signi­ficado much of the word. Travis thought about to return to explain to him what would happen if let it go, but considering that they had attacked it twice and it did not seem to have made an impression, did not have desires to return to explain it to it. It would not either try to paint an image to him splendid of America. The only that could do era to leave her saw it by itself. It also thought about opening to the door and dar­le another opportunity to go to port, or in paying a car to him that took it where wanted to go.

  When happening him to it this last possibility, something endure­ció in its interior. If it did that, perhaps never it returned to see that chiquilla of shining eyes that seemed to see the world through their own crystal color of rose. Entris­teció to imagine the long sea voyage without her much.

  -- Ira's to America with me -- it said with firmness, while it caressed the naked shoulder of Regan.

  One had felt so guilty by it to have seduced when it was so innocent that she had been commited to spend two nights far from she, but the terror that had felt all the day when not finding it, combined with the seductive image that the girl had now, with the des­nudo shoulder and the chest partially exposed, made forget it the logic.

  --No touches to me -- Regan with arrogance protested. -- We can to be in discord with respect to... logic -- Travis said, and smiled to to pronounce that word --; but is an aspect in which, apparently, we are in total agreement.

  Regan really made an effort not to respond to caresses back water Travis, but in the long run it was to him impossible to igno­rar the contact of its hand, that wide, lukewarm and sen­sual hand that crossed its neck. No it wanted to demonstrate how much it had affected it what it happened to him; it wanted that Travis pen­sara that was brave, but in truth which wished was to seat in its knees and to hide, perhaps in his bolsi­llo. One had never been glad as much to see somebody as that late, seeing Travis in front of her, with unholstered pistols.

  It tipp
ed the head and Travis caressed the neck to him. Regan it closed the eyes when it alongside took to the other hand opues­to of his neck.

  -- you are tired, right, love? -- Travis whispered increasing the pressure of its fingers --. You have the stiff mús­culos.

  Regan agreed hardly in perceivable form; his cuer­po it began to relax. It did not have idea of which Tra­vis did; it only knew that, like by magic art, it seemed to be melting its body. It had supper the eyes and it gave him. Ape­nas was noticed when it cleared the dress to him and he tended it, it undresses, on the bed. The smooth and deep sound of its voice intensified that new pleasure that felt.

  -- When he was young said --, to him I spent three years in a boat whaling. It was a terrible experience, but we saturated at least in some interesting places, like China. There I learned to do this.

  Where it wants that it had learned it, Regan was to him been thankful. Travis nailed the fingers to him and per moments it did damage to him, but soon it included/understood that, when relaxed, the pain stopped. The fingers of Travis him they masajeaban the back, eliminating the annoyances that the fact had caused him to pass several hours acurruca­da in the alley. The cramps became loose to him in pier­nas and, when Travis began to masajear the feet to him, nue­vas parts of their body more in the soft mattress sank. It surprised it that even their arms were tense, but the hands of Travis relaxed the knots in the muscles and relaxed them completely.

  Since Regan were too relaxed to mo­ver itself, it gave return it as if outside a battery of rags and was arranged to work in front part. Beginning by the feet, it rubbed it, it gave taps him, it caressed each centimeter of its body. When arriving at the face, it caressed to him with pul­gares the muscles back water the cheeks and around the nose. The girl was almost without sense. The relaxation was so that it was not noticed of the sensuality of massage of which the strong hands of Travis and their eyes on naked his cuer­po they had waked up in her the passion. Sen­tía like a great cat stretching to the sun, with each muscle peacefully, awaiting the adventures that they would sobre­vendrían. When the hands of Travis returned to their thighs, it seemed to him most natural of the world. With one son­risa sweet and experimented, Regan maintained the cerra­dos eyes, because it only preferred to feel, to render its mind to his senses. The change in the pressure of the hands of Travis, its perhaps own one desire that filtered by the yolks of its fingers, was subtle, but she it it understood.

  -- Yes, love -- Travis with hoarse voice murmured and with breathing deeper than ever.

  It did not use the lips nor another part of its body that they were not its hands: those hard wonderful hands, gran­des and that she him it had seen use to throw by the air to robust men as if they lacked of weight. Their wide and hard fingers had an almost artistic agility, deliciously provocative, while they once again explored the skin that they finished touching.

  Regan felt that in its interior something changed, as if a primitive machinery started up. One bent slightly and in form rythmical, and I know gave him.

  -- Please -- it whispered, caressing the arms of Tra­vis, drawing up its muscles with fingers --. Please...

  Travis did not take in pleasing it, because he himself esta­ba on the verge of exploding. It had fascinated it the pure sensua­lidad of the loving act between both and the beauty of cuer­po young and esbelto of Regan. It penetrated it slow, very slowly, without resigning to the gentile and etérea quality of the pleasure of both.

  Regan had learned the sufficient thing to know how to prolong the movement, and followed the initiative of Travis as if they were two celestial bodies in a union that would last all the eternity. Nevertheless, no long time could be con­tener; soon it began to breathe with more rapidity and a to nail the hands in the skin of Travis. In few seconds, the smoothness it turned ferocidad, and the avi­dez of both was even.

  When at the aim they arrived at the summit of its passion, Regan it shouted and it felt that the eyes of lágri­mas by the violence of his filled to him relief. During some minutes he remained immovable, floating in a sea of satiated and happy, relaxed nothing, and deeply calmed.

  Slowly, Travis separated, was gotten up on elbow, supported the head in the hand, and it watched it. Their cas­taños eyes were dark, and thick Regan noticed it that they were his short eyelashes.

  Who is east man?, it was asked. Who is this man who causes that my body sings with a celestial music? It did not say one single word, but Regan felt that it was watching it for the first time. It had it prisione­ra and, nevertheless, took care of it, acted as if valora­ra, and even some times it seemed to have remorses to have it in captivity. What man class could so hard be so gentile and at the same time?

  When observing it, it thought about little that it knew of him. What it thought? Who were the people whom it loved and who loved it? It took a hand to the face of Travis and it caressed the cheek to him. That man could, who seemed to think that the world was his, to get to love? A simple woman could arrive a to make of him a slave, to have in its hands that strong and trembling heart?

  Regan took the hand until the naked chest of Tra­vis, it felt his heart under his hand, passed the fingers among the hair of the chest and soon, by impulse, it gave fuer­te pull.

  --No you make that, devil -- gruñó, and soon kissed to him fingers --. It hoped that more you were thanked for des­pués of the form in which you I made enjoy.

  —¡ Been thankful! -- Regan, containing one exclaimed smile --. From when a slave it thanks for its master?

  Travis refused to bite the hook simply gru­ñó and it attracted it towards himself. It did not seem to concern that uncomfortable estu­viera she to him.

  Regan began to protest saying that it could not sleep in that position, but the words desvanecie­ron before finishing. it felt as a enredadera enroscada on the trunk of a great oak; relaxed, it fell in a deep dream.

  The languid and feline sensation of Regan desapare­ció with an amazing rapidity to the following morning, cuan­do Travis removed it of bed with rudeza and threw puña­do to him of cold water in the face. Regan dealed with to take breath and to the aim managed to be on the awares just on time to see one toa­lla that Travis threw to him.

  -- Vístete ordered Travis to him over hom­bro while it accumulated the clothes of both in the already too full trunk.

  When seeing that muti­lado squeezed its velvet dress already, Regan was sent on him.

  —¡It is enough! I will not allow that it treats my beautiful thus ves­tido one -- it said, to the time that took off it and it smoothed it with love. Travis watched it with interest.

  -- He is broken. As what it serves but like rag?

  --Se can fix it -- Regan responded, while it doubled the dress with care --. I know to mend very well my clothes and, in addition, velvet will disguise I mend.

  -- From when the English rich ladies have to mend its clothes?

  --Yo never I have said that she was rich -- talked back Regan, with a presumed smile.

  --El money must have something to see; if no, not you they would have thrown of an ear. -- With the shining eyes, it caressed the rumps to him naked.-- Or it would have to say that they threw to you of a kick in that pretty one buttock?

  Before Regan could give him to the answer furio­sa that it deserved, gave a pat him and added:

  -- Now vístete before we finish again in bed and the boat weighs anchor without us.

  Pensativa, Regan began to get dressed; soon, by impulse, became towards him.

  -- Truely it thinks that I could touch it a... to do


  Travis did not have idea of which Regan said, but to to see it thus, to means to get dressed, with that dress of silk that gave a blue brightness to his eyes and their skin still ignited by the at night previous passion, it felt that it could convince it to make any thing.

  -- Deja touch and vístete to me. You will already have several months a I embroider to play the seducer, but at the moment there is work that to do.

/>   Regan ruborizó because it had misinterpreted it and it was concentrated in the task of getting dressed. Perhaps, it thought, perhaps that American it could... A look threw to Travis, that echa­ba dull to the trunk on the shirts cleanings and white, and son­rió. Perhaps never it got to be a horseman, but it had many possibilities. The eyes of Regan dilated by the astonishment to to see that Travis closed the trunk, inclined, took mani­ja from leather and it put of foot with the trunk to the back.

  -- List? -- it asked, apparently without percatar­se of its enormous load.

  Regan agreed and left in front of him. Down it waited for a hot breakfast, more abundant than all those that it had known.

  --Me you have made lose more eating than ever in my life Travis informed to him.

  With impudence, Regan watched the enormous stature of Tra­vis and the thickness of its chest.

  --No I believe that him it makes bad lose some meals

  -- it observed.

  Travis laughed, but minutes later Regan it saw it to be observed of reojo in a mirror, as if inspeccio­nara. That reaction it made smile with certain sensation of


  The food was delicious and Regan, very ham­brienta. It pleased to him to verify that the modales of Travis in the table were quite correct; perhaps it lacked the gentleness of Farrell or another horseman his quality, but would be approved in the decent society.

  -- Perhaps have left me horns, that you watch tan­to to me? -- Travis joked.

  Regan ignored it and returned to concentrate in his comi­da, been strange by its own lack of spirit. Perhaps outside by the terrible experience that it had had the previous day in the port and the rescue on the part of Travis but, in truth, it began to excite it the idea to go to America. It had heard to say that, like in America people he was free, it could become rich. Perhaps she it could make a fortune in that primitive and soon to return, triumphant country, to England...