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Deveraux, Jude - The Lost Woman Page 7

  and to Farrell.

  The hand of Travis under its chin made it leave

  its dream.

  -- Volvi'as to leave me? it asked in voice lowers --. to him Or you glided to kill to me while it slept?

  -- None of the two things. It would not waste the time

  in that.

  Travis laughed between teeth. It was put of foot, offered to him

  hand and helped it to rise.

  -- Creo that will go to you very well in America. Necesita­mos more women with your character.

  --Yo it thought that, for you, all the Americans were the stamp of the grace and the anger.

  -- Always there is place for the improvements -- Tra­vis talked back, laughing, and it took it from arm --. Now mantente near me and anything it will happen to you -- it added seriously, previ­niendo it with the glance.

  Regan did not need one second warning, and as soon as they left the inn clung to the arm of Travis. The scent to fish and peculiar sounds of the port gave him

  completely and, for a moment, it returned to feel the hands of those men on her.

  Travis observed it, pensativo, conscious of mie­do that there was in the eyes of the girl. Trunk threw pesa­do on the car that it waited for and it indicated the coachman to what boat had to take it. When the car it moved away, vol­vió towards Regan.

  -- Hay a single way to lose the fear, and is to face it. If you fall of a horse, you must return to mount it of immediate.

  Regan as soon as con­fuso paid attention to that advice; however, more approached Travis and it nailed the fingers to him in the arm.

  -- the car will arrive soon? -- it whispered.

  --No we will go in car -- Travis --. responded You and I we will walk until the boat. For when we arrive, no longer you will be scared. No I want that you are scared whenever we are near a wharf or that you smell rotten fish.

  Regan took a little while in assimilating those pala­bras. Soon one separated from him and it watched it, overwhelmed.

  -- Perhaps that one is the American logic? I do not want to walk by this... this place. I demand to him that it obtains a vehicle to me.

  -- And so you demand it, eh? -- Travis smiled.-- According to I have learned in the life, nothing is due to demand unless a can be taken it end. You are arranged to walk single until the boat?

  -- You would not do that, right? -- it whispered.

  --No, love -- it responded, taking it from hand --. Not even I think dejarte single about this country, much less in this dirty place. Now, we go, regálame a smile. We will walk until the boat, and you will see that with me you are out of danger.

  In spite of its distrust, Regan soon began to enjoy the long walk. Travis indicated buildings, deposits and taber­nas to him, and it told him a graceful anecdote about one fight that had seen in a tavern. Little later, it was laughing and no longer one clung with desperation to the arm of Travis.

  There were several sailors recostados against a wall; they commentd out on her, who Regan alcan­zó not to hear, but that it understood in essence. Without losing cal­ma, Travis was excused and gone to say words to hom­bres. In few seconds, these took off the caps and they approached to give good morning Regan and to wish a good trip him.

  First perplex one, and soon feeling corno a cat before a cream plate, Regan watched Travis and returned to take it from the arm. With the shining eyes, it inclined and he kissed it on the nose.

  --Si you continue watching me, affection thus, never we will arrive at boat. We will have to stop to us in one of these posa­das.

  Regan separated the Vista, but now it took the hom­bros raised, the high forehead, and walked as if as soon as it touched the ground. And the best thing of everything it was that no longer it had mie­do. Still it went of the arm of Travis; wise person who that slight contact was enough to maintain it out of danger. Perhaps not outside so bad to be with that American corpulento and that those men greeted it with respect.

  Before which it had wished, they arrived at bar­co. Regan was astonished by its size. The Weston house would have fitted in the cover.

  -- How you feel? Travis --. asked to him Not tie­nes fear, right?

  --No -- it responded sincerely, aspiring deeply the marine air.

  -- That I thought -- Travis with pride said, and condu­jo by the boarding footbridge.

  Regan did not have opportunity to see much, because Tra­vis it immediately took it towards the prow of the boat. There there was a maze of cords as heavy as its leg and arri­ba, a cable spiderweb.

  -- the riggings -- Travis explained, while condu­cía among sailors and drawers of provisions.

  Quickly, it took it by a lofty stairway until a small stateroom that was very clean and orde­nado. The walls were panels painted in two tones of

  blue. Against a wall there was a great bed; in means were a subject table to the ground "and, against the opposed wall, two trunks. A skylight and a window gave to the sufficient habi­tación light.

  -- you do not say anything? -- Travis asked.

  Regan was surprised by the almost anxious voice of Travis.

  Very pretty --Es -- it responded, smiling, and sen­tó in front of window --. Its room also is thus?

  --Yo it would say that it is exactly like this one. Now I want that you remain here while I take care of which they load my things. --Se stopped in the door and became.—

  And I will look for between the passengers that costurera that contra­té and you I will send it. Perhaps you want to review those trunks and to deci­dir what you want that it makes first. -- Their eyes shone.—

  Y I said to him that it forgot the nightgowns, that I have my way of mantenerte in heat.

  With that one left, and Regan was watching, boquia­bierta, the closed door. ¡Passengers! Perhaps Travis had said to the passengers who she would sleep with him? Those pasa­jeros would be friends his Americans, people that it hoped that they respected it someday?

  Before that situation could at least imagine horrible, the door opened and entered a high and del­gada woman.

  -- Llame', but nobody responded -- it said, watching Regan with interest --. If it prefers it, I will return later. It is only that Travis said that there was as much work to do that all the trip would take. There is another woman who, I create, will be able to ayu­dar. I do not know if it knows to make works fine, but will know at least to make seams right.

  The woman shut up a little while and contemplated to Regan.

  -- one feels well, Mrs. Stanford? It is been annoying, or already it begins to miss its home?

  -- What? - Regan, stuned --. asked How it has to me call?

  The woman laughed and went to seat next to Regan. It had beautiful eyes and their mouth were fleshy and pretty, but in me­dio there was a nose it releases and pointed.

  -- Parece that neither you nor Travis there are acostumbra­do to marriage. When I asked to him if they had been long time of married, it watched to me as if it did not think that it spoke to him to him. ¡Thus they are the men! Ten years take in admitting that they have resigned to his freedom. -- Miro' at its alre­dedor without leaving of to speak.-- But, if me the question, the marriage has become for the men; when they marry, they have another slave. ¡Well! -- it exclaimed --. suddenly Dón­de is its new clothes? I believe that he will be better than empece­mos.

  Hundreds of ideas were crowded together in the mind of Regan, all confused. In the eddy of the last days it had forgotten by complete the clothes.

  The woman slapped the hand of Regan with com­prensiva attitude.

  -- Supongo that it is too much for you to be just married, with somebody like Travis, and traveling to a new country. Perhaps it must to return later.

  Just married, Regan thought. In certain way, it was truth. He was at least pleasant to imagine it instead of facing the reality of the situation.

  The woman had arrived at the door when Regan she recovered.

  —¡Hope! One does not leave. I do not know where it is the clothes. No, Trav
is said that it was in the trunks.

  The woman smiled, pleased, and tended her hand.

  -- I am Trumbull SARAH, and I am enchanted of cono­cer it, Mrs. Stanford.

  —¡Oh, yes! -- Regan sighed. That woman him agra­daba much in spite of its strange form to speak.

  SARAH knelt down quickly and opened the first trunk. Perhaps the best indication of its admiration was its total silence when contemplating the smooth and fine amount of colors and sorts.

  -- This must of to him have cost much money to Tra­vis -- it managed to murmur finally.

  Regan felt a jab of fault when remembering that deliberately more clothes of the one had chosen much than it only needed stops to shame Travis when it could not

  to pagar the account. Nevertheless, it was obvious that there was it paid and it was wondered how much it would have cost to him. Perhaps it would have had to mortgage or to sell what had?

  -- Again is it disturbed. She is sure that it is not been annoying by the movement of the boat?

  --No, I am well.

  -- Vaya -- the glance said to SARAH, returning to trunk --. Travis it did not exaggerate when saying that this would take months of tra­bajo. That other trunk is as full as this one?

  Regan swallowed in dry and threw a look to the closed trunk.

  -- Temo that yes.

  —¡It fears that yes! -- SARAH exclaimed, laughing, while it removed a leather portfolio of trunk --. ¡Watch this! -- it said and it drained it on its skirt. Several heavy papers fell, and in each one there were four drawings in watercolor of feminine vesti­dos --. Are these the dresses that chose?

  Regan took them and smiled. They were dressed gorgeous, and the sketches in himself were art works. Both empeza­ron to review what there was in the trunks, and they discovered that all the dresses and shelters were carefully cor­tados and that next to each article was surrounded the ador­nos corresponding.

  -- Parece that I have all ready one to begin -- obser­vó SARAH.

  It gathered the designs and the fabrics, it said that it wished to put hands to the work and left as steeply as it had arrived.

  During a little while, Regan remained sitting next to the window, contemplating the stateroom and preguntán­dose what adventures him they would wait. It thought about Farrell and it wished that it knew that one was in a boat course to America and that was making him a worthy wardrobe of one princess.

  It did not have idea of the time that was immovable past in that seat, but little by little began to take con­ciencia from the sounds that they came from the outside. Duran­te all its life had been forced a to remain in an area very limited, and the only thing that could make era dream. Now, it included/understood, it was in freedom to see and to make things;

  the door of the stateroom was not closed with key and úni­co that it had to make era raise stairs to be in the cover of a boat really.

  It aspired deeply, feeling like a bird to that they allow to leave the cage; it left the stateroom and a moment stopped to foot of the dark stairway. Cuan­do opened a near door, it frightened:

  --Le request excuses to me -- an amiable masculine voice --. said It did not know that there was somebody here. --Al to see that Regan did not respond, continued:-- So time would have to pre­sentar to me, since it seems that we will be neighboring. Or perhaps I am too presumptuous? Perhaps the captain could make the honors.

  The formal modales of the young person were a lightening des­pués of the suspension in the last days, of everything what it was looked like courtesy.

  --Si; we will be neighboring responded, with one sonri­sa --; so that perhaps we pruned to make an exception and to suspend the formalities.

  -- Then permítame to present/display to me. I am David Wainwright.

  --Y I am Regan Alena... Stanford -- it said as well; no it wanted to reveal its true identity nor to let know to that man the truth of its relation with Travis.

  With gentility, it narrowed his hand soon and invi­tó to accompany it to cover.

  -- Creo that still they are loading. Perhaps it is amused to see those Americans in group, although I must confess that sometimes me it costs to understand its language.

  On the cover a warm sun shone, and to Regan it infected the enthusiasm to him of the people who happened around to his. They emerged in the base of palace, one cubier­ta partial added in the prow of the boat. Soon they compren­dieron that they hindered the step, so that they raised the palace. From it had a good Vista of activida­des in the rest of the boat there and in the wharf. There also Regan could see better David Wainwright.

  He was a slight man, of intrascendente face and pajizo hair. Its clothes were of good wool; his corbatín, perfectly

  blanco, and their small feet were enfunda­dos in soft leather slippers. It was the class of caballe­ro that it always had well-known, with hands done for the keys of a piano or to play with one brandy glass. When watching its long and fine fingers, Regan thought with dis­gusto that a coarse perhaps man as Travis would touch two together keys with one single one of its great fingers. Without embar­go, it had to admit that those wide fingers a times touched agreed the correct ones.

  Their lips curved in a secret smile and apar­tó the Vista of David, that was explaining to him why it went so to a place savage like America, and looked for with the glance Travis.

  --No I can say much to him that it cheers to me to travel with an English lady -- David --. said When my father suggested to me it go to occupy to me of its possessions in that uncivilized country, the idea horrified to me. I have heard many histories on that place and, as if that not basta­ra, the single fact of to know an American can put to one against that country. ¡Watch that! -- --: exclaimed He is right to which it referred to me.

  Underneath them, two sailors dropped car­gas that they took towards the center of the cover, where another man took them down, and they began to push itself. At a moment, one of them sent puñetazo to the jaw of the other and it was mistaken, but before it could return to inten­tar it the second man gave him in the nose. AI moment began to bleed, and the man hurt it began to send puñetazos to the air. Like left the anything, it appeared Tra­vis, that it by the neck of his both catched to much more small men whom shirts and raised them of the cover. It did not cost to them to hear what Travis a said the mari­neros about its conduct and what if promised to do they caused more to him problems. It shook them as if they were puppies, threw them to a side, said to them that they were cleaned and they returned to work, and took the load of both marine­ro that it hoped.

  -- That is an example of which I said -- she continued David --. Those Americans do not have discipline. This it is

  English boat with an English captain, and nevertheless that... that American peasant thinks that he has all the right to impose his will on the crew. In addition, it would not be necessary to let go to those men as well as thus. It would be necessary to punish them by its bad conduct and that serves as ejem­plo. All captain knows that the only way to stop the insubordination is to do it in the beginning same.

  Regan was in agreement with him, of course. Its uncle he had said the same often, but the form in which Travis had handled a both men it seemed to him effective and sensible. Frunció the frown, confused by its thoughts, asking itself who would be in the certain thing.

  With the mind occupied in other things, in the beginning no it saw Travis, that it did signs to him.

  -- Creo that that man tries to call his attention -- David observed, between displeased and incredulous.

  Trying to be sophisticated, Regan responded a Travis with an amiable sign before separating the Vista. It did not have desires of to offer a spectacle like which aca­baba to do he.

  -- Parece that it was not satisfied -- said David, with curiosity --. It comes towards here. Perhaps it must call to the captain.

  —¡No! -- Regan exclaimed, to the time that returned the glance towards Travis and it smiled in spite of itself.

  -- you have missed to Me? Travis asked to hi
m, laughing; it raised it in his arms and it made give it a return in the air.

  —¡Bájame! -- it exclaimed Regan, angry, but its voice no it reached to erase the pleasure of its face --. You smell like a gardener.

  -- and how know you how smells a gardener? -- it joked.

  From back, David clarified the throat ruidosa­mente. Regan ruborizó and was managed to separate from Travis.

  ---Señor Warnwright, I present/display to him to Travis Stanford. -- Miro' at Travis with plea expression.-- My... espo­so -- it added in a whisper.

  The eyes of Travis were not altered absolutely. Of fact, its smile seemed warmer when extending the hand and to narrow the one of David.

  -- Enchanted to to meet it, Mr. Wainwright. It knew a my wife in England?

  ¡With what facility lay!, Regan thought. But it had be very good when protecting therefore the honor of her. Travis had thought that it would throw to laugh, like so many other times.

  --No, we finished knowing itself -- David responded, watching them, seeing the possessive arm of Travis on small shoulders of Regan, seeing a refugee and ele­gante English lady in the claws of working wild means and without modales. It had many desires to clean itself hand that had narrowed Travis.

  If this one noticed slight rictus of the superior lip of David, disguised it very well, and Regan too much was occupied treating about to recover certain dignity when separating the hand from Travis.

  -- Teni'a the hope which it had known it before -- Travis said, and ignored the glance of Regan before surprised it of those words, almost as if they were not cier­tas --. I must return to the work, love -- it continued, with a smile --. Quédate arrives here and you do not approach the lower deck, you understand?

  Without waiting for answer, one became towards Warnwright.

  -- Confi'o that I can leave it with you -- you added, in courteous and formal tone, but at the same time gave the impression to be laughing.

  Regan felt many desire to give a kick him.

  Quickly, one became and it lowered the stairs, and Regan pre­guntó if he would be jealous. Perhaps to Travis it worried to him not to be able to compete with horseman like Mr. Wain­wright.